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Thread: Transfer Market

  1. #1
    Rookie Taffy1956's Avatar
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    Feb 2016

    Angry Transfer Market

    Since the launch of this newer version of TOP ELEVEN a few months ago I have notice fewer and fewer are actually being sold so the only way i can get rid of them is by sacking are selling to the agent at a reduce price! So is this a problem with the game or is it a way of losing money on the players we have invested in? Just wondering if anyone else has notice this?
    honspencer likes this.

  2. #2
    Newbie honspencer's Avatar
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    You are right i have been noticing that.

    Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Dreamer ElPocho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy1956 View Post
    Since the launch of this newer version of TOP ELEVEN a few months ago I have notice fewer and fewer are actually being sold so the only way i can get rid of them is by sacking are selling to the agent at a reduce price! So is this a problem with the game or is it a way of losing money on the players we have invested in? Just wondering if anyone else has notice this?
    The only way to sell a player you don't want is in day 1 2 or 3 maximum in a new a season , believe me it works 100 % , it is hard almost impossible to sell a player especially if it's average in a middle season so be patient til the season end
    Arion likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I don't think appearance of inactive transfer market is not directly related to new version. In general, the transfer market is less active on club level raises. I also suffered very inactive market in the past. I used to force one of my legend like high scoring AML/ML to retire through selling him to an agent, and also sold some players close to next star to agent. Now transfer markets I face are at least not unreasonable.

    For my markets, selling players in 2nd half season is a very difficult task. If you still have players to sell, be quick.

    For selling players in season beginning, some managers like myself focus on norgens on Day 1 & 2 (but I seldom place bids because I am now a strictly 35T only manager). In my opinion, the best time to sell players are Day 3 or 4. At that time, no. of norgens decreases. Some managers start to build their team after league drawing.

  5. #5
    Apprentice Ibrahim Bavari's Avatar
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    I havent experienced that yet since last season I could sell my players only 3 days before season end

    you dont always choose the time when you want to sell your player, you only sell your useless players after you know where you stand in all 3 competitions

    for me I always have a full squad so I can be able to rotate enough during games and could reach as far as possible in cup and CL

    so you can't just sell players in the middle of season unless you are sure he can never be useful again

  6. #6
    Rookie Steve285's Avatar
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    I managed to sell two player today without any problems
    Thornton F.C level 23

    Winner league in levels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 20,21,22

    Winner champions league in level 6, 10
    Runner up CL in level 5, 8, 19

    Cup finished 3rd in level 9,

  7. #7
    Famous Arion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve285 View Post
    I managed to sell two player today without any problems
    Same here. Just ensure that their Q ends in 3/8 or 4/9
    Steve285 likes this.
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  8. #8
    Famous Awe Imoleayo Peter's Avatar
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    Jan 2016
    I sold a player today with a rating of 56...I am level 8 has reduced for me too, he was bought after the third time I placed him on the market by one of my friends.

  9. #9
    Famous HoofDaddy's Avatar
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    Yeah, I used to buy and sell over 10 players a season six months ago, (FAs ) This season I've bought 3 players, sacked 2 and sold 1.. Likely only selling 1-4 more this season. Not buying unless a three position player with a SA under 24 shows up in the TL. Or a 18 yr old ST with 97-99% quality.

    I blame recommended players addition for this.
    Last edited by HoofDaddy; 05-17-2016 at 11:01 PM.
    Renamed to Bolton Wanderers Season 27.
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    The Hoof is the Proof.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    well...i think one of the reason is the new system train the player my scout player...(most know that scout players are slow trainer) i got him 5 season ago at age 22.... i power train him to 7 star.... and now...age 27.... he is still half way to his 8 the past... the scout player can't maintain 7 star for 3 season (even fast trainer.... over age 23.... they slow down)... so...since people can keep the player longer... the action on market will be less... ( like i keep my whole team...i only brought 2 players in these 3 season...just for a sub backup)
    cookizzz likes this.

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