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Thread: Help, what should I be doing?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Question Help, what should I be doing?

    I'm a newbie and I founded my club about a week ago. I am thankful for the guides in the forum because they taught me the basics of the game. Recently, I got involved in the transfer market, trying to make lucrative deals to earn those monies. I wouldn't say I'm very successful, but I am able to gain some monies through the transfers.

    I realized that I've started my club in the middle of the season, and in another weeks time, the season will be ending. I've read that at the end of the season, players get "downgraded" if the club gets promoted in the next season. And because I've been transferring my players in and out, I would like to know what I should be doing at this stage of the game.

    (1) Should I sell my players that are high in values, so I could afford to purchase better players next season, or, should I keep them and nurture them?

    (2) I've gone through some guides about train factors, and I couldn't really master it. It is hard for me to gauge my players TR, because apparently, my players wages and values changes. Am I doing something wrong? There are also some players with low wages but at some moments, the wages goes up, is this a bug?

    (3) People have also been talking about giving skills or positions to low 3 stars ASAP to keep their TR high, am I too late for this? Should I do this for the next coming season?

    (4) I understand that a younger player has better TR compared to an older player, thus, my club has a handful of young players, with an average age of 23.9. Is it wiser to go for the cheaper matured players with 5 star quality or expensive young players with 5 star quality?

    (5) Additionally, I would like to mention that I'm a F2P player. However, I've managed to get some tokens from the free offers available (but there aren't many offers now). Is it worth it to spend my tokens on the transfers to earn monies now, or should I be doing it at a later level?

    (6) Lastly, is it right for me to train players to the next star level, if they are close to it, before selling them off as it will increase their market value? Till this point, I haven't tried listing players that are about to upgrade to the next star level because I would rather upgrade them myself to get the bonus monies. Yes, I've read that a newly upgraded player won't be in much of a demand, but, the increase in market value seems to do more good than harm.

    I apologize for my sentence structure isn't good, and I thank you for your time.
    Last edited by Jun Han; 06-18-2016 at 01:19 PM. Reason: Added question 6

  2. #2
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    woah woah, slow down a little
    First of all, I will give some general advice
    - My (only personal) suggestion is the let the season go without promote to the next level.
    You 'll have the time to go deeper in the game (which isn't so simple you know)
    Reade and observe a little more and be prepared with success for the first real season (the next one, in a week).
    So I suggest to use your worst players, switching your GK with a field player and loose the rest of your games if you 're in a promoting position (1st - 8th)

    - Try not to spend all your token without knowing more things about the game
    * try to read some posts about auctions - I have some posts here ***

    - read about "loosing" a star in the next season (also in the post above ***)

    - As I can understand, you read my guide
    but you getting to deeper waters of the game. Much more experience managers is difficult to understand some things.
    Be more patient, read, keep notes, {copy/paste} and ask there whatever you want but remember that this is optional. You can start without it and master it by the time.

    - Keep some images and check how to upload them , giving more details
    Also it's in above ***

    - Don't invest to 3* player. Needs a LOT of sources

    - Fast trainers development needs a lot of money (which you don't have - with those 5 M' you started, you can buy only 3 5* fast trainers).
    And of course a lot of greens .You can do just fine with 5* good veterans 27-29 y.o. and 2-3 only additions of young fast trainers.
    madflo19 and Jun Han like this.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Thank you Nikolgiorgos.

    I'm not sure why my opening post disappeared (I edited it and it disappeared..).. but I guess it is waiting to be verified by a mod.

    Back to topic, I really appreciate your inputs. I do like the idea of not promoting. But I wonder what it would be like for the transfer market when I get promoted. Will the transfer players prices stay about the same, or will it change significantly? In season 1, the most expensive player I've came across costs 3 millions. How much would the most expensive player in season 2 cost?

    I haven't been spending my tokens other than transferring players to earn monies. I've read that 1T = 150k in the beginning, and it seems more worth it to transfer players than buying monies using tokens.

    I've also realized from one of your posts that the TR indicator/factor exist only for the first/origin numbers of the player, and therefore, most of my players TR aren't accurate as they are already trained. I will re-build my team and try to achieve 5* good veterans and a few young fast trainers as suggested.

  4. #4
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    here are the prices for the most expensive players (the faster ones) for every level

    I've also realized from one of your posts that the TR indicator/factor exist only for the first/origin numbers of the player, and therefore, most of my players TR aren't accurate as they are already trained.
    the 1st one is the guarantee, yes

    the best deal is to buy (without money - only token), the most expensive recommended players and sell them.
    You can get about 1 M' (after few training and maybe a small bidding war - better sell on Saturday -Sunday, but not the last one).
    Jun Han likes this.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    here are the prices for the most expensive players (the faster ones) for every level
    This is exactly what I'm looking for, thanks once again!
    Your guides are really great, and I sincerely respect your work. I'll find time and go through all of it. I couldn't get the grip of it at first, but with your help, I'm starting to understand better. Can't thank you enough!
    nikolgiorgos likes this.