Just posting to confirm we're continously verifying the Top ranked Associations in case there was some cheating involved, and there's nothing wrong with the Associations listed in this post.
As a user has already mentioned, these teams don't have superpowerful teams ... 5, 6 or 7 stars is not a big deal and you can achieve this without purchasing a single token (if you buy the best scouts, they're 6-really-close-to-7 star quality).
Please don't assume there's something shady or wrong just because it looks odd

If you have any special concern or think a user looks suspicious, you can contact our Support team and report it, using the ingame Help in your Top Eleven app (question mark "?" button) .
On the other hand, we're also checking the way we calculate this Top ranking, just to be sure there's no mistake (this will take some time).