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Thread: What's the point in the Cup if there's no chance to win at all?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    What's the point in the Cup if there's no chance to win at all?

    I have played the game for over three years, and I keep records of my seasons.

    Between May 2014 and December 2015, for a span of 25 seasons, I could not reach the third round of the Cup because I was always pitted against teams that are three, four, or even five levels above my team. The only chance I could reach second round was because the competition was a computer-generated crappy team.

    In December 2015, it was obvious that Nordeus changed things, such that all 128 teams in the competition were within one or two levels of each other. Things were much more meaningful, and I even reached the Cup Final three seasons ago.

    But then in May 2016 (last season), Nordeus changed back to the old ways, and I was pitted against a team from five levels above, and was absolutely demolished. This new season, again, I was pitted against someone who I had no chance to beat.

    Now, that begs the question. I was in a huge disadvantage for 27 seasons, but why is it that I have never been in a bracket in which I was the team that was four or five levels higher than my opponents? It just seems extremely odd to me.

    What is the point of this? It is completely within Nordeus's power to make sure everybody has a fair chance to advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I don't get you people... seriously, are you playing a different game?

    I've won the Cup more than once it's not that hard, you just need to know how.

    For example this season, there are only rank 24 teams while i'm the only rank 26 team.

    You ask how? because i finished last season with a team full of 2* and 3* and bought a whole new team full of 5* and 6* today.
    1st 2nd 3rd
    League 9 3 4
    CL 1 3 2
    Cup 3 1 1

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by ProVeN View Post
    I don't get you people... seriously, are you playing a different game?

    I've won the Cup more than once it's not that hard, you just need to know how.

    For example this season, there are only rank 24 teams while i'm the only rank 26 team.

    You ask how? because i finished 3* and bought a whole new team full of 5* and 6* today.
    Buying a whole new team after the updates sees to b the way to go, as someone who never purchases players in week one and never tries to manipulate the system I suppose it explains why my rabble will never win a cup.😀

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Well this exact season it is only because i made a comeback after being away from the game for more than a year, almost two

    my initial cup wins were from my very first seasons, the key is to improve your team on day one or as soon as you seem to not be able to beat the enemy teams anymore without upgrading
    1st 2nd 3rd
    League 9 3 4
    CL 1 3 2
    Cup 3 1 1

  5. #5
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProVeN View Post
    Well this exact season it is only because i made a comeback after being away from the game for more than a year, almost two

    my initial cup wins were from my very first seasons, the key is to improve your team on day one or as soon as you seem to not be able to beat the enemy teams anymore without upgrading
    That's actually an exploit but a legit one as long there's no rule to stop you. On another side we can't force the people to do this so you have no point here, you just play smart, watching the system, make your life easier, good to you but not everyone have the resources and the tokens to do this.

    Perry Sih
    , I agree with you and here's my old suggestion, it have years but not sure if is gonna happen, I already suggested this on January when I visited Nordeus.

    CUP is the most special competition and it don't need to be against the same levels because is same in real life, teams from first league can play with teams from 4th, 5th league but there can be a solution.

    My suggestion is to give an advantage to all players and an good shoot at least once at few seasons to win the CUP.

    I proposed a system based on levels, where teams are grouped by the levels so following this system, once at few seasons for sure you will be at the highest level.

    Level 1 always VS level 1
    Level 2 - Level 4
    Level 5 - Level 7
    Level 8 - Level 10 and so on...

    At level 2 you will have low chances.
    At level 3 you will have medium chances.
    At leve l4 you will have good chances.

    I guess is the only fair system because once again, you can't build a CUP only based on the same levels as some people suggested but I also agree with you, from time to time you must be the highest level because I noticed that some managers are never there, they always face +2,3 levels and they really don't have any chance and the CUP is just a worthless competition from them, maybe worst can increase the risk of injury and consumption of packs, tokens.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    That's actually an exploit but a legit one as long there's no rule to stop you. On another side we can't force the people to do this so you have no point here, you just play smart, watching the system, make your life easier, good to you but not everyone have the resources and the tokens to do this.

    Perry Sih
    , I agree with you and here's my old suggestion, it have years but not sure if is gonna happen, I already suggested this on January when I visited Nordeus.

    CUP is the most special competition and it don't need to be against the same levels because is same in real life, teams from first league can play with teams from 4th, 5th league but there can be a solution.

    My suggestion is to give an advantage to all players and an good shoot at least once at few seasons to win the CUP.

    I proposed a system based on levels, where teams are grouped by the levels so following this system, once at few seasons for sure you will be at the highest level.

    Level 1 always VS level 1
    Level 2 - Level 4
    Level 5 - Level 7
    Level 8 - Level 10 and so on...

    At level 2 you will have low chances.
    At level 3 you will have medium chances.
    At leve l4 you will have good chances.

    I guess is the only fair system because once again, you can't build a CUP only based on the same levels as some people suggested but I also agree with you, from time to time you must be the highest level because I noticed that some managers are never there, they always face +2,3 levels and they really don't have any chance and the CUP is just a worthless competition from them, maybe worst can increase the risk of injury and consumption of packs, tokens.
    my suggest is that the CUP go completely random for +/- 1 LV.....which is better that using the Q as the index for draw.... that is kind of a cheating...think about which team in the world can "lower" their team to get a better draw in any cup?? yet, this is the game system, but the problem for Q index is that the LV limited.... a LV 18 .... 5 stars is already over power a LV 14 no matter what the LV 14 do.... and i am already not even talking that the LV 18 to get fast trainer and train them in day 1 to 6 or 7 stars .....

    this is how stupid the Q index draw~ if go completely random for +/- 1 LV...if you face 2LV that is your unlucky draw....not really human side affect ....but you lower the Q for the draw...this is the human side effect.... yet...this is how this system right now... but this is the grey area which i consider this is one kind of the "CHEATING" ~

    so...i already ignore CUP already....unless it change this stupid Q index draw....LOL otherwise, i will keep saying that who design this type of draw is complete idiot~ sorry for the word~ but yet, i say my thought~ LOL this Q index draw is idiot~~

  7. #7
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    Aug 2013
    Indeed, I have heard about the exploit of the game engine, where one would fill his substitute slots with as low star players as he could find, such that he would be placed in a Cup bracket full of lower level teams, and perhaps also face lower quality teams in the Champions League and the regular season. Some people would say that "This is the way it is, get on with it." But I'm saying that it doesn't have to be this way, and it's easily changeable by Nordeus, as shown in how the bracket creation rules have changed twice this year already.
    From the game developer's point of view, it doesn't make sense to make the game no fun for its players. And this type of hopeless disadvantage is not worth spending loads of real money on anyways.

  8. #8
    Famous nash123's Avatar
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    But... there you have one problem: Nordeus is a money-grubbing company. If they change it to a fair competition for "everyone", they lost lot of their asian "friends" (attention: cliche), who sell every end of the season their players and buy a new full squad (mostly fast trainers) - I have one of these (surpisingly a chinese guy) on my server: last season he spends 100 Token for ONE Fast Trainer. This season, I saw him two times biding on Fast Trainer, one for 69 and another one for 54 Tokens... After buying those guys, he trained it to 7*, instantly...

    And that's a really big problem... money is all you need, to win (nearly) everything.

    My suggestion is now: Why don't make the cup like Associations? Only Stars matters. So you can't exploit the system and the asian guys will keep buying (maybe more restpacks than FT). Maybe they will even more, because they will need up to 8*-Teams to overrule everyone.
    I also think, keeping your squad like a real team will also be more interesting.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by nash123 View Post
    My suggestion is now: Why don't make the cup like Associations? Only Stars matters.
    great point. it would be much better
    Last edited by vkorchevoy; 06-28-2016 at 12:18 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by vkorchevoy View Post
    great point. it would be much better
    Not good , as it would not be a realistic portrayal of real Cups eg English FA Cup whereby lower league teams face higher league teams. If only stars matter aka top 11 Associations style, then the top 11 Cup doesn't reflect a real Cup in the league anymore since it is obvious in general lower league players are lower quality than higher league players (with exception of players such as Vardic of Leicester)

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