Originally Posted by
That's actually an exploit but a legit one as long there's no rule to stop you. On another side we can't force the people to do this so you have no point here, you just play smart, watching the system, make your life easier, good to you but not everyone have the resources and the tokens to do this.
Perry Sih, I agree with you and here's my old suggestion, it have years but not sure if is gonna happen, I already suggested this on January when I visited Nordeus.
CUP is the most special competition and it don't need to be against the same levels because is same in real life, teams from first league can play with teams from 4th, 5th league but there can be a solution.
My suggestion is to give an advantage to all players and an good shoot at least once at few seasons to win the CUP.
I proposed a system based on levels, where teams are grouped by the levels so following this system, once at few seasons for sure you will be at the highest level.
Level 1 always VS level 1
Level 2 - Level 4
Level 5 - Level 7
Level 8 - Level 10 and so on...
At level 2 you will have low chances.
At level 3 you will have medium chances.
At leve l4 you will have good chances.
I guess is the only fair system because once again, you can't build a CUP only based on the same levels as some people suggested but I also agree with you, from time to time you must be the highest level because I noticed that some managers are never there, they always face +2,3 levels and they really don't have any chance and the CUP is just a worthless competition from them, maybe worst can increase the risk of injury and consumption of packs, tokens.