How is it not clear to everyone how this website works???
- Nordeus rewards token buyers with good results. Too bad token buyers have to play against other token buyers!
- Nordeus penalizes non-token buyers with injuries and bad results in order to entice them to buy tokens for better players and rest/health/morale packs.
- Nordeus penalizes token buyers who dont spend their tokens: i.e. numerous injuries and bad results. They already know they have you hooked, they just have to keep pushing you to buy tokens.
Keeping it obvious: Nordeus mostly cares about $$$. Thats business as usual. If you expect them to make a game where most players can win consistantly without buying tokens, dont. It will never happen. Too many people are hooked and they already make tons of $$$ from the "supporters".
What really bugs me is why dont they split into two leagues: one for token buyers, without ads and more rewards, and the other for free players with adverts and reminders to play the better tokenfest game.
They reel you in with the experience of playing the game with tokens and then they systematically squeeze the tokens out of you as fast as they can without it looking suspicious and deliberate.
I am not complaining. I enjoy this game and have put a few $$$ into it to give me a better chance at winning.
STOP it with the constant whining about injuries! Hey I get that half your team is on the sidelines while you have to dress your 1* reserves to play the token buyer in the Cup match.
Just spend the $50 on more tokens, buy the health packs and heal your players already!!!
I have already expressed my lack of enthusiasm in spending money on an online game that has no chance of return. I know this is not texas holdem, but I am a football fanatic and I love anyting to do with footie.
Just stop complaining about the game already! Hmmm, Im complaining about the complaining....vicious cycle it seems