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  1. #1
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    The new Champions league draw system

    We have some new situation about the draw in Champions League.
    Meaning to play with teams one level above.
    Ok, this is not new, happened some times in the past (I remember an old member of the forum, Spornybal, who was attracted from higher level groups or some teams who are high in the top of the server and with the lack of many teams there, they 're forced to play with higher lv opponents).
    But what I can see this season (maybe started 1-2 seasons ago), it's not like those cases.

    It's not a bug, like this friend posted here

    and it's not because of servers aren't well organized as Khris said here
    abandoned teams always been in TE and servers also weren't organized but this never happened so often.

    So, is there a plan ?
    Yes, I can see one pattern here.
    The champion of the league, next season is playing in a CH.L. competition with managers one level above but those who didn't won their leagues.
    Because the managers who won their leagues also playing in a CH.L. one lv above also.
    There can be a variation, because some draw can be affect by some friendships of the teams.

    Last season I had three active teams,
    MAN.U. ( it's a simple team with 5* and some 6* players).
    Two seasons ago, MAN.U. in season6 and lv6, was third in the league so previous season played in a same level CH.L. and won it.
    Last season won the championship and this season is playing in a higher level CH.L.
    The new Champions league draw system-manu-history.jpg

    Won the league two seasons ago (season 13, lv9) and last season (14) played in a CH.L. one level above.
    As the team was tanking in previous season, I had a strong team, with 7-8 7* players (young fast trainers) and managed to win this league vs opponents from one lv above as the treble too.
    So last season I won the league and this season I 'm playing again in a CH.L. one level above.
    Coincidence ?
    I don't think so
    As it's a secondary team, I won't go again in a trip to spend extra sources to enforce my team to go for the title again.
    I 'm tanking again for 1-2 seasons.
    The new Champions league draw system-rino-history.jpg

    It's my main team.
    I was tanking two seasons ago as I faced every season 2-3 very strong teams in CH.L. and I wanted to avoid their level.
    Last season I won the league and this season I 'm playing in a CH.L. one level above
    The new Champions league draw system-nik-history.jpg

    So, my three teams 6,11 and 23 level won the league last season and now playing in +1 level in Champions League.
    Coincidence ? Bug ? Servers mistake ? no
    Probably some new business plan from a guy.

    As someone had the "brilliant" idea last year, to put same quality teams in same league (to make more interesting the league games ),
    another smart move to make managers to be more active ( $) as they want to be competitive for the double.
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 09-28-2016 at 10:09 PM.
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  2. #2
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    After the first day of CH.L. competitions, I was checking the games my friends had in the new CH.L.
    24 of them were playing with a team from different level
    Most of the cases were about the team which won the league, playing with opponents from a level above, positions 2-3-4.

    The new Champions league draw system-26-7-1.jpg

    The new Champions league draw system-26-7-2.jpg

    The new Champions league draw system-26-7-3.jpg

    The new Champions league draw system-26-7-4.jpg

    The new Champions league draw system-26-7-5.jpg

    not a bug
    not a coincidence
    not a server's problem
    not very fair
    McWifi likes this.
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  3. #3
    Pro CM-16's Avatar
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    This season I got knocked out straight from the cup after being pitted against A league champion one level above me in round 1. I actually won the previous season flawlessly (26-0-0) so I thought this might be a karma of some sort, NIK?

  4. #4
    Apprentice Matteo de Clemente's Avatar
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    Hi, I'm level 40 this season, i won last 39 level league, and I'm in a 41 level Champions league.
    But also placed 2,3 and 4 in my last league are in this Champions league,all they are friends of mine.
    Since I'm their highest friend qualified in Ch league as them, I think I'm in this above level
    as league winner,and my friends came with me, even if they did not win the league.
    They are also in my actual level 40 league.

    In past Champions league editions, I also experienced to be attracted in a -1 level Champions league
    even if league winner, by friends of mine with higher quality and lower level than me.
    Results: an easier Champions league with many lower -1 teams until facing lower level teams with outrangeous
    quality. No chance to win there....

    So: league results are important but friendships strongly rule ch league dispatchments .
    Lower quality friendship do not influence your draw,strongest friends do
    Last edited by Matteo de Clemente; 07-29-2016 at 02:50 PM.
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  5. #5
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    This season I got knocked out straight from the cup after being pitted against A league champion one level above me in round 1
    We know that the Cup is working that way - with quality draw, no matter the level.
    I read the forum for a long time and many good managers just took the decision not to bother with the cup anymore.
    Maybe just to win it for once and that's it.
    So they keep the quality of the team high and go for the double (League and CH.L.).
    But with this way CH.L is almost impossible. They only way is to make a team 7* or more and all the opponents from the level above, not to be "wealthy" and keep their teams with 6* players (7* for you).
    If this draw will become permanent, many good managers will get disappointed and leave the game.
    Alfyan and McWifi like this.
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  6. #6
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    A possible business ploy or move?

    Most league champions are likely to be active and serious managers; so, maybe Nordeus decided that more of them will be grouped with higher level teams in the Champions league too so that the company can benefit if those managers spend more to reach the quality required.

    The association thing itself is a business ploy. No condition loss but still many managers will have to use more green packs because of how the fixtures for this competition are set. Only stars matter, and yet some teams have faced noticeably stronger opponents. This competition itself will make or tempt managers to spend more. Win bonus will consume some money, and this is very likely to be significant for low and middle level teams. The rewards in this competition are not worth at all the effort required to be put in and/or the amount of resources spent. The 5 boosters of each type as reward for winning a weekly tournament is a 'big joke'.

    If this draw will become permanent, many good managers will get disappointed and leave the game.
    You think so? The company has trapped many people; those people got addicted to the game. They will only leave when they can fight this addiction or get so much disgusted with how this game functions these days.
    Last edited by Tactician; 07-29-2016 at 06:55 PM.
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  7. #7
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    A possible business
    yes, that's what i think.
    When I started this thread, a year ago, they answer that indeed there is a change in the league draw to make leagues more competitive and interesting (and not to make the managers to spend more).
    Now after almost a year, they cancelled it and brought back the old system with friends priority and 4-5 weak/abandoned teams in every league.
    It looks like it didn't work so much.
    If someone is building a 6* team every season, to play also in a league of 6*, later 7* players teams what's the point ?
    He 'll do it once, twice, then he 'll leave it or tank.
    Same here, you 'll get stronger players (power-training, scouts, recommended) for one or two CH.L. but how long ?

    At least in the leagues draw there was an excuse (to make it more interesting).
    Now what ? To be competitive with managers who 're buying players scouts (for your team) with 1 token ?

    You think so?
    yes, I know a case for example.
    It's from this thread I wrote, #14
    one of the protagonists, Murat with Trabzonspor. He lost that CH.L., he also lost the next as me because we were keep playing vs two very strong teams with 8* players (TANSIN and JUVE). I decided to tank for a season to avoid them but he decided to abandon his team from last season
    The new Champions league draw system-trabzonspor.jpg

    Too bad, he was very good manager, I hope he 'll be back.

    That's why I started this thread. As I love to play that game and this forum give us the freedom to express our opinion, I 'm trying to make some "noise" so to cancel (they) this stupid plan.
    Alessio Fitch likes this.
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  8. #8
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    This has been an issue with me since Level 30, as outlined in this thread:

    How can Nordeus expect people to retain interest when the Champions League 'reward' for winning a League Championship is 6 frustrating matches in the next season's Group stage and an early exit... You'll then have two levels of Tanking - the normal one to avoid promotion entirely, the other for teams in the Champions League Qualification promotion slots to avoid finishing first and at least have a fair chance of winning the CL the next season.

    It's this, along with very little 5* action in the Transfer Market has me pining for the return of the 'take over a new club' option so I can rekindle the excitement of the game again - at least for one of my teams.
    Last edited by talisman; 07-30-2016 at 12:29 AM.
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    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    4 of the last 5 Champions League's i've participated in have had this format. Levels 22, 24, 25 and 26; with 2 tanked seasons sandwiched in. If ya hit a higher level coiner forget about it...
    nikolgiorgos likes this.
    Level 40 Manager

  10. #10
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    I don't like how the game has been going these days. I, myself, I have thought of quitting it quit a few times. I have even thought of quitting it recently even though after having just spent 20 USD to buy tokens, which shows how much disgusted I am with this game lately.

    Match outcomes are based like the rock, paper and scissors game rather than a football game as such. There is no logic with the 'right' combinations of orders. You can end up with defensive and high pressing or hard attacking and force-counter attacks and high pressing as being what the game has decided to be the right order combination.

    A.M has become ****; he even gives you bad advices.

    Transfer market in terms of good 5-star nordgens has been poor.

    Lots of greens packs are required for condition maintenance.

    Associations matches have become frustrating. I have been put up against stronger opponent for like 4 weeks or more in a row now (since their supposed adjustment to make draws fairer which in fact made it worst).

    The game has become very tiring.
    Last edited by Tactician; 07-30-2016 at 04:55 PM.
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