So. I have a pretty strong and solid team. We all have dont we.
I am 95℅quality and in my league the best player is 75%.
Moving on
In the league i already drew 2 games and lost 1 vs to other teams. Because i didnt train or watch them. Neither did the opposition but its ok. I accept it.

Today i had the big match. 3rd place 23pts (95℅q)(me) vs 1st 30pts(50℅q).
The night before i put all my bonus to max
Rested everyone to 100℅
Motivation to max
Raised the prize to win games
Ok all set its a home match i will watch it

I watch the game
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_2016-09-03-04-21-01.png 
Views:	63 
Size:	89.7 KB 
ID:	71038
15% posession bonus vs 0. Looking good.

Before the game i even changef my strategy so i wasnt vulnerable to counter attacks.

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