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Thread: Player Good Or Bad

  1. #1
    Rookie naveen.rana61's Avatar
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    Player Good Or Bad

  2. #2
    Rookie naveen.rana61's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Rookie naveen.rana61's Avatar
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    i bought this player in 28 token and he played 1 match and match rating was 7 so tell me guys this player good or bad or this player perform good or bad in upcoming matches and what type of trainings to train them?

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  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Don look at the skills, look at the stats.

    U wanna know if is a "key player" or whatever what thing he is? do a friendly vs a 1* team to oversize the internal proggramming, so in this case you will see how determinant he can be in a fast way.

    9 stars don't matter if a ST is proggrammed to have a Max. of ratio scoing of 1 goal per 10 matches when some players the ratio with 5 stars is 12 goals in 10 matches. Remember, internal proggramming. The other thing are just stars.

  5. #5
    Addicted k1tb's Avatar
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    Why friendly against 1* team?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Hi Khris,

    Do u look at his rating or goals , assisst scored? during the 1 star match?

    Do you watch the game?

    Cos I have 1 Amc who scored like 5 goals in friendlt but in normal games he not scoring goals?

  7. #7
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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Don look at the skills, look at the stats.

    U wanna know if is a "key player" or whatever what thing he is? do a friendly vs a 1* team to oversize the internal proggramming, so in this case you will see how determinant he can be in a fast way.

    9 stars don't matter if a ST is proggrammed to have a Max. of ratio scoing of 1 goal per 10 matches when some players the ratio with 5 stars is 12 goals in 10 matches. Remember, internal proggramming. The other thing are just stars.
    Do I have to just to see his performance in one friendly match with 1*? or I have to look over his stat over about 10 matches? which one is better ?

    Also, what is the criteria of other positions? for example, for ST is number of goals ?

    Thank you.

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  8. #8
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    Player performance in friendly matches may be used as reference but ought not be relied on to evaluate players.

    I used to have a 2 star goalkeeper. I used him to fill various positions during friendly matches. When he played as ST/AMR/AMC/AML, he was always a very good and probably the best superstar scorer in my team. I cannot guarantee that he cannot be good scorer in official matches as I never tested but I cannot believe this will happen.

  9. #9
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by k1tb View Post
    Why friendly against 1* team?
    Ive explained, "to oversize the internal programming". As I always say, you can buy 11 players that scored 30 goals last season each one, but, once in your team, the game will calibrate the team, and you will not see any team with 11 players scoring 11 goals, been all key players or smilar.
    The game adapt the players to make managers manage, usually, there's 1 betetr player for FKicks, 1 for corners, that you can find testing and have clearly a differance during a stable period of time if we compare with others, cause the game is not so paranoid as to change 1 good player pr match, and too the key players that have 10-9's as ratings tend to be stable, as the players that, are aggressive or these who are Man of the Match, and that tend to be more contribtive mostly of matches.
    So, basically a 1* friendly will "oversize the virtues and defects" of the team, the key players, can score 3,4,5 goals, one can see too jus looking what player names appear during match, who tend to contribute more, and who do not appear. This is really very lineal in a career player performance, usually a key player always keep this level, a bad is bad, and then are the "variable contributions that changes to make s manage" and make us have a work in this game, for example a aggressive player, a player with + ratio injurie, the best in freekcks, corners is something tha stay of fo a season or for a long period of days, and our job is see this, and then, if a player have bad impact de aggressivity, deal with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by woopypooky View Post
    Hi Khris,

    Do u look at his rating or goals , assisst scored? during the 1 star match?

    Do you watch the game?

    Cos I have 1 Amc who scored like 5 goals in friendlt but in normal games he not scoring goals?
    I watch the games, of course to see who appear, and who do not and what they do. I usually do some friendlies to see if 1 player dominates again and again, to test FK's and etc of things I metioned before. The fact that scored 5 goals is important, then I don't know if, for example you play different formations, or you bought some new player that can have a impact under this. One factor that can make players perform bad for example is the players the AMC have arround.
    Sometimes I realized tat when I do sub's during a match and I sack the less contributive player, all changes... let's say that, in the simulations the game determine a individual impact and protagonism of every player, evry match have different scenario, so every game have a different playrs that participe, and are determinant. If a bad one is choosen can eclipse some good players.

    I will suggest you try some different players near this AMC(even I dont know ST's conribution, MC's etc... and maybe you go well) if, you don't see during a match he name of a ST or AM'C-R-L you can try sub' him when second half is started to try to see if theres a impact.
    Too thnk that, there are the "key players" and the conributive ones. A game never will choose as I said 11, or 8, or 5, or even 3 players to be key continiously every match or almost the 90%, usually theres only 1 that have options to score (if is good) all season matches of +90%. Then the other acors, and maybe is the case of this AMC as is good, the game will choose him to be determinant and participative 1 of every 2-3 matches.
    Thats contribtion too, is a litle bit of my old Ryan Giggs, that did the same, some good friendly and then 1 goal every 2 matches aprox.

    I suggest test more and prove new tings. But I guess you can count with his player and I think that if something fail is another guy.

    Quote Originally Posted by SomeOneSmart View Post
    Do I have to just to see his performance in one friendly match with 1*? or I have to look over his stat over about 10 matches? which one is better ?

    Also, what is the criteria of other positions? for example, for ST is number of goals ?

    Thank you.
    Friendlies vs 1* as mentioned will make the things bigger, will increase the differance so, for a key player that in a full 5* leagues have options to appear every match, and been ST score will score often in the friendlies and a lot, look who assist too is something to do, look who appear to know the level of participation too is something to see, look the MC's that are focused in defense or attack too, the agressive players... fails in defense.... DR-DL contribution in attack.... and the MoM is important.

    I suggest do more than 1 friendly, of couse to se the consistance because as said some players will b determinant/choosen to be determinant 1 match yes, one don't.
    Regarding the ratings, MoM I kep always all players that at least are during a season 1 time MoM. "excellent players" will have 10's, 9's, maybe some 8 but you can see what they do clearly. Then some others participative can be MoM 1 day only and have something like 6-8-6-9-7 thats a example, and if have a 9 is probable, of a player that can help us "somtimes" and be decisive in a chance or a match.

    The 5-6-7's even with some 8, we have to see what players do, "contibution is all" so a player full of 7-8's that for example is like ma olf ST Cissé that scored 3 goals in 26 matches, really these numbers say all... and costed me 50T cause was a scout xD

    All really is more easy than what sems.. and here in this post i am answering only about "the previous of the match" job to do to see what players we can use, of corse then during the match theres another job to do too, that can make the differance, as sub' players that don't appear, these who fail continously after try 1,2,3 times, if a man fail a FK 2 times I change the man... too I play switching positions as the AMR-ST that both have doubele position and sometimes th simulation is made, to give me the control wih Gorter as ST, and sometimes with Akgun.... and really I can see this, I can see many times that when I switch positins or I lost the bar posesion control, or I win with the other... or sometimes I switch and first score one and then the other.

    All is more extense really, but never forget that, this is a game and have a way to do the things.

    Quote Originally Posted by cookizzz View Post
    Player performance in friendly matches may be used as reference but ought not be relied on to evaluate players.

    I used to have a 2 star goalkeeper. I used him to fill various positions during friendly matches. When he played as ST/AMR/AMC/AML, he was always a very good and probably the best superstar scorer in my team. I cannot guarantee that he cannot be good scorer in official matches as I never tested but I cannot believe this will happen.

    That's all, fiendlis can be a referance of how determinant can be players.
    In my case has worked very well for me... maybe Ive a 6th sense but I usually use very well the friendlies and matches info xD then of course every match have a scenario and the thing is not o simple, but, I keep and want to believ that the game, is not so paranoid. You should try the Gk in a match xD

    I remember Lehmann been a scoer from FK's and corners.... never tryed out position eally with GK's but... why not? all are ratios by default... if work, work xD

  10. #10
    Dreamer fugazi's Avatar
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    I agree basically with what khris is saying. A dud will always be a dud, a superstar will always be (programmed to perform like) a superstar. Matchratings are key indicators for all players, except attackers, they only need to score goals and will most likely keep doing so in similar circumstances.The really good players are so well programmed it trumps quality, these players will outperform players 2 stars up, so quality doesn't mean everything, The more stats (matches played) the more reliable they are of course. I usually need 4-5 matches. for me a 7 is as low as I except, a 6 is a liability, especially in defence.

    I don't agree with testing vs low lvl teams, The difference in Q is so big it overrides the subtleties in the game mechanics. You might find the best players in your squad perhaps, but have no way of knowing how they will do against evenly matched opponents. If you want to test your team, play against more evenly teams. Now I don't friend people from my lvl, so I sometimes play teams 1 lvll up. Then you will know where your weaknesses are, they become more clear with a loss then with a 10-0 victory over a 1 star team. I mean what does it say whether it is 5-0 or 10-0. Or FA friendlies, but wee bit unsure about those as of yet.
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