It's the fourth time they used this trick against me in association matches. I would understand if it happened once, but not 4 times out of 4.
- Use any starting formation (in this case it was 4-2-2AM-2)
- Move 1 ST off center
- Profit
We were 0-0, mostly tight match, then he moved his ST.
In this case, in the second half he moved another AM making the formation even more asymmetrical and easily scoring 4 goals.
At first the match is balanced, but then when they start moving 1 ST they score a truckload of goals and despite the advantage in possession the live match simulation mostly shows their actions. This time I lost 5-1, other times even 8-0 to much weaker teams, which never happens to me (except when tanking on purpose).
Both teams were same quality (97%), no matter how I set my tactics, marking or which flank you focus your passing, use of counter formation at that point gets denied.