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Thread: No promotion on purpose... Advantage???

  1. #21
    Dreamer ice87s's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    And one more thing, if u decided to stay up for a season, i adviced u not to allocate your skills in the following season. dont transform your players into worldclass or legend. WHY?

    as i said, server set your League, CUP according to qualities....

    Staying up for a season, u will definately win tittle in the following season and by not allocating skill for that season, server will set u in low qualities pool, then after that, allocate your skills, u willhave chance to win triple......

    Hope i'm correct

  2. #22
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiaSanMia View Post
    July could you explain why...?
    I'm I not a star ahead every season since my young player would be still progressing...?
    If you stayed at the same level then your players would not be losing stars. but you would have a great deal of power that could keep players at your club for longer especially young players that they will be above average quality for 2 seasons since the season you avoid promotion.
    *Retired From Top Eleven*

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    @ice87s triple is impossible!
    I won't be qualified for Cl because if I decided to avoid promotion....

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Avoiding promotion is bs. In my first season, I was almost last, but hey, it was my first season and I begun playing in mid season, took me time to get the ropes and stuff, in the second season I was 3rd and (obviously) entered CL which was disaster but still, 3rd place in the group. And in 3rd season I finished 3rd altough, I fu**ed up when I put a ML without an MR, which gave me like 2-3 defeats after us 3 (top 3 teams) being undefeated and having some chances for the title. As I said, that ML gave me bad results but at least I finished in top 4.
    Right now, I've had some really bad and weird defeats. For a week or so, I'm undefeated, still second, won against the first placed team 3-1 at home, he won 2-0 in the first part of season. The difference is 5 points and he has like 2 next matches against teams under 9th place just like me, except I have to face a guy who wants promotion and is 7th. Still, I hope I can win the league finally!
    fmldotcom likes this.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    @ gamer_x why would you say that avoiding promotion is bs?

  6. #26
    Dreamer ice87s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiaSanMia View Post
    @ice87s triple is impossible!
    I won't be qualified for Cl because if I decided to avoid promotion....
    why not, after u avoid one season(1st season) u r sure to win league title in following season. During that season(1st season) dont allocate skills. So, your qualities will seems as low, then server
    will put u in low quality pool in next season(2nd season). In that 2nd season, allocate all your skills that u saved during 1st season, so you will win triple
    Last edited by ice87s; 03-28-2013 at 04:00 PM.

  7. #27
    Dreamer ice87s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gamer_X View Post
    Avoiding promotion is bs. In my first season, I was almost last, but hey, it was my first season and I begun playing in mid season, took me time to get the ropes and stuff, in the second season I was 3rd and (obviously) entered CL which was disaster but still, 3rd place in the group. And in 3rd season I finished 3rd altough, I fu**ed up when I put a ML without an MR, which gave me like 2-3 defeats after us 3 (top 3 teams) being undefeated and having some chances for the title. As I said, that ML gave me bad results but at least I finished in top 4.
    Right now, I've had some really bad and weird defeats. For a week or so, I'm undefeated, still second, won against the first placed team 3-1 at home, he won 2-0 in the first part of season. The difference is 5 points and he has like 2 next matches against teams under 9th place just like me, except I have to face a guy who wants promotion and is 7th. Still, I hope I can win the league finally!
    I think your trophy room isl full with sh!ts....
    Last edited by ice87s; 03-29-2013 at 05:29 AM.

  8. #28
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    I did that and I am happy, if you feel like you don't have mood or time for top11 better don't play and lose then to see trophies like 6,7th place in your trophy cabinet.
    Orlova FC - onForum - LIKE Orlova FC - onYoutube - SUBSCRIBE Orlova FC - onFacebook

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    @ice87s ok now I got you!
    I misunderstood. I thought you meant salicin sp this season and allocate them next season to go for the triple...

  10. #30
    Famous fmldotcom's Avatar
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    I see a lot of ppl fight for promotion. What's the difference you on the next level start over or same level start again with nothing? Another advantage is the cup if next year you are promoted and have lower quality on higher level. Plus avoiding strong opponents are for girls! I play with and without tokens, I have no problems!
    Darth Sidious likes this.

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