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Thread: This is a disgrace to the old TOP11

  1. #1
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Angry This is a disgrace to the old TOP11

    First of all I m going to start with the pros in comparison with play-old version:
    -the game had animations during the game besides the commentary and that is a pro
    -they finally gave us something extra besides 35T and the others
    -dead end, I cant find any pro

    Now I'll start with the cons:
    -The interface it s pretty disgusting more likely for kids
    -the abilities from the players look really ugly in comparison with the old version
    -the auction system is atrocius. I never seen such a robbery in any game, the system with 1+1+1+1+1+...+1(n times) just consumes your token as fast as you earn them
    -you won t find any youngster with abilities in the morning anymore, in the old version I could see even a dozen 18 years old nordegens now they give you some old useful just for a season players
    -the officials are officially gone to the mobile, and that s not all...You must buy them with MONEY,MONEY and you will also receive 50T to spend them on 31 years old player with ability on market.
    -about the auction. You won t bid with just the same players on the same level and server, you will bid with every single player on the server.Another thing so messed up.
    -35T players won t exist anymore...I refuse to believe there is a person who watches videos and completes surveys and plays games just to fight for some very bad players on the market...The solution is to negociate, but nobody will accept your 2,3 T offer with this thing right now...

    Im done with cons and pros.Now I m going to finish with some tender things.
    Hacking or Farming, whatever you call it still exists and I ve seen some players who have 7-8-9 stars players with hundreds or thousands of tokens every season, I won t give any name.
    I m not so upset with this kind of things because Im not struggling anymore to play this game, Im only entering once a week or month because I have some officials(5-6 jerseys and 2-3 emblems) and I spent some cash for them and I hope they wont go wasted.
    I don t believe Nordeus will change anything because the only thing they are after are MONEY,MONEY,MONEY but I ll tell you guys don t waste to much time on this game anymore, play it with moderation...
    Arya Nabaz likes this.

  2. #2
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
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    I do not believe anyone is "Hacking" the game for hundreds or thousands of tokens every month .
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  3. #3
    Pro axd23's Avatar
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    Personal taste doesn't mean something you don't like is a con.

    Many old players are feeling so entitled to the game, it's ridiculous.
    Manager of Παναθηναϊκός Α.Ο (Panathinaikos A.O) currently playing at level 18.

  4. #4
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    That some managers have always accused others of cheating based off null data is, and has always been ridiculous.

    That most managers are complaining about various facets of the current game, or the changes brought by v5.6, is not undeserved entitlement. Nordeus wouldn't have made those changes if not for player feedback; feedback is a vital part of any iterative process, louder dissent provides a stronger signal.

    I believe v5.6 will be just fine for most new players joining after its implementation; but with regards to legacy managers, the opinion is vocal and plain to interpret, those favoring the current state of the game as compared to pre-5.6 are in an extreme minority. Fact, not entitlement or simply venting. Something went very wrong with 5.6 for existant legacy managers.
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  5. #5
    Pro axd23's Avatar
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    All I'm saying is that you can't call stylistic differences a con if you don't like them. That's personal taste and nothing more. That's all I criticized OP for.

    There's many things I don't like about how the game has changed in the 10 months I play it, nobody can refuse that it has many flaws and some changes that were uncalled for.

    Everyone complaining about random stuff just to complain on the other hand is a bit unfair. That's how I see it.

    (I'm not referring to SuperDunk specifically, don't get me wrong)
    Manager of Παναθηναϊκός Α.Ο (Panathinaikos A.O) currently playing at level 18.

  6. #6
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    I can't see any 'player feedback' that appeared on here, apart from very high level players wanting 5* players for them to buy in the TM, that would have, in any reasonable circumstance, have resulted in the current dogs-dinner of a Transfer Market.

    - Managers are spending lots of money to get semi-reasonable players.

    - Players sold are not going to other clubs, who would compete for them and push the price up, but to Nordeus, who set a 'take-it' price, which could be far below MV to just above. There are no bidding wars to the profit of the selling manager any more.

    - The tried-and-trusted methods of training players up and selling them to the market have been completely blown away by a sell them to Nordeus system, which buys low-age players in abundance, whatever their Quality, and refuses to buy older, but better Quality players. The latter, x4/x9Q players under the old system would shift like hot-cakes, if you've got any that are over whatever age the system has built in to it at the moment, you can't sell them now.

    Desert Rats FC are effectively operating under a transfer embargo, as there are two older players which can't be sold to the 'system'. These are occupying berths that could be filled by bought in players, from whatever source (TM, Scout, Negos, Youth), but at the moment are blocking the taking in on contract of any new players. Yes, they could be sold to the 'Agent', but that was there for the low-Q ones that couldn't be shifted on the old market. Now apparently he's there for the oldies-but-goodies...
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by axd23 View Post
    All I'm saying is that you can't call stylistic differences a con if you don't like them. That's personal taste and nothing more. That's all I criticized OP for.

    Everyone complaining about random stuff just to complain on the other hand is a bit unfair. That's how I see it.
    You made a blanket criticism of "old players".

    This isn't a language issue, right? You know "con" means "disadvantage" or "negative aspect" as well as "trick" or "deceive". A change to the user interface, or the user experience certainly can be expressed as a "con," a downgrade from the prior version.

    Further, if you see the discussions and comments since v5.6 as being "complaints about random stuff" you are misinterpreting the general reception of the current game version by legacy managers. The complaints are coherent, referring to specific aspects of the game experience, and consistent, with most managers expressing disapproval of the update as a whole.

    If Nintendo changes Mario's suit to green because he should match his brother (or whatever relation Luigi is), and players rightly complain, they complain about a change to the user experience, it's neither a random nor a stylistic complaint, however they are able to express it with words.

    I defend Nordeus plenty, their job is not easy. I also defend our right to protest, or protect a certain game experience - Nordeus does, too; thus we have a forum full of complaints, social feeds of complaints, and posts from Nord acknowledging those complaints. There's nothing random about the discussion.
    Altiplano likes this.
    "Please stay polite"
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  8. #8
    Pro axd23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeManiaque View Post
    You made a blanket criticism of "old players".

    This isn't a language issue, right? You know "con" means "disadvantage" or "negative aspect" as well as "trick" or "deceive". A change to the user interface, or the user experience certainly can be expressed as a "con," a downgrade from the prior version.

    Further, if you see the discussions and comments since v5.6 as being "complaints about random stuff" you are misinterpreting the general reception of the current game version by legacy managers. The complaints are coherent, referring to specific aspects of the game experience, and consistent, with most managers expressing disapproval of the update as a whole.

    If Nintendo changes Mario's suit to green because he should match his brother (or whatever relation Luigi is), and players rightly complain, they complain about a change to the user experience, it's neither a random nor a stylistic complaint, however they are able to express it with words.

    I defend Nordeus plenty, their job is not easy. I also defend our right to protest, or protect a certain game experience - Nordeus does, too; thus we have a forum full of complaints, social feeds of complaints, and posts from Nord acknowledging those complaints. There's nothing random about the discussion.
    In this instance OP stated
    "-The interface it s pretty disgusting more likely for kids
    -the abilities from the players look really ugly in comparison with the old version."
    and further stated "I ll tell you guys don t waste to much time on this game anymore".

    Isn't that entitlement?

    I took these statements as an excuse to express my thoughts on how I see the forum members behaving, especially after the latest update.

    In my personal opinion the old interface was atrocious in every aspect. But that's not important, because it is my opinion and is not gameplay related, it is just a visual optimization.

    I apologize if I offended you, it just seems to me that because of the latest update everyone in here wants to complain about whatever just to complain about how ****ty the game has become.

    That's just the way I see it.
    Altiplano likes this.
    Manager of Παναθηναϊκός Α.Ο (Panathinaikos A.O) currently playing at level 18.

  9. #9
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    UI and UX design, user interface and experience, are considerably important in designing just about anything today, especially games, apps, websites. It IS important that you thought the old interface was atrocious, that matters, that's why many related companies have engineers and design teams studying those relatively small details... Color palate, alignment the "partial star", font choice, word choice for conveying game rules or instructions, how fast the game loads, or how many clicks takes from point A to B... all that stuff matters plenty.

    I see concrete points OP would like changed, and a clear sense of his overall feeling and acceptance of the current game. He's not super articulate, and maybe talking from some emotions as well, but he's a player, not a gametester.

    Entitlement are the people saying "increase the video limit or I'll quit"...
    "don't waste your time..." is an expression of frustration, and not so helpful. It is unfortunate that current users might be spoiling the experience of new players, but this will die down with time.

    I'm not offended, and don't mean to offend you either. Everyone's emotion is high right now. I'm just a bit involved with this sort of user feedback aggregation and analysis, and don't want you to think it is irrelevant for Nordeus. (It's also easier to accept these changes when we can discuss and vent frustrations about it)
    Last edited by LeManiaque; 05-04-2017 at 08:38 PM.
    axd23, Altiplano and Bunzo like this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Hey !Superdunk ,I am playing top elven since 2014 and I will agree with your views on new transfer system I think new transfer system needs few tweaks to make it better starting with change in duration of transfer time out from 4 minutes to 30-1 hour so our players can be sold in auction for their base value rather selling to agent which gives us 1/3rd of player value .Other thing is bidding from players from other servers which leads to bidding from high level players which is resulting in bidding wars,although ur argument of players who don't have 35+tokens won't survive is hard to agree ,u build a 85ovr squad join any association u will get 10 or tokens minimum depending upon in which tier ur association is ,I am in gold tier 2 association and I get 30 tokens at end of season +daily login rewards with chance of tokens too with this u can have Minum of 40-50tokens atleast at the end of season with token deals in finances ,another thing about good 18-19 year players they are available in auction most of time but it's pretty hard to buy them in early days of season due to bidding wars .But I have seen many players buying high quality defenders with 30years age which looks good too because defenders generally are slow trainers might be it's me but I always look to buy high quality defenders around 30+age coz u can get them for 1-2tokens on other hand u will spend 7-8tokens minimum on 18-20old high quality defenders .U should try to buy high quality midfielders around 18-20age as they usually progress faster then defenders and if u get high scoring midfielder or striker u can have him in ur side for good 3 seasons

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