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Thread: How can I make sense of 2 Red Cards for "spitting" in a single match (Season ruined)

  1. #1
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    Dec 2016

    How can I make sense of 2 Red Cards for "spitting" in a single match (Season ruined)

    I don't know where to start, this game is so random with certain rules or in-game decisions. Most important game of the league and my player gets a direct red card (which always results in a 2 match ban). I make a sub. in the second half removing a player with a YC and the new guy gets another red and a 2 match ban right away. The other team ends up scoring goals like it was training. I was top of my table with only one draw perfect morale and condition before the match. No 'hard tackling' at all and the game decides to give me this. Last season in another crucial match a player gets a RC for spitting in the freaking 1" Minute, really (all this excessive saliva is becoming a problem in TE apparently) I just wanted to spit this out here (pun intended) cause it doesn't matter I lost but not like this. Did I mention I was the better team, never mind.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    You've been cave-trolled...

  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    So I guess you're 'spitting' mad!

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