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Here are some recent results just from this season.
Exhibit 1 : Me: 115.4%; opponent: 109.7%. Full condition, top morale, all 10% bonuses. Both managers present. Result: loss 0:6.
Exhibit 2: me same as above, opponent: 106.7%. First game: I'm present, he is not - loss 1:3; 2nd game - both present; loss 1:2
Exhibit 3: me same as above, opponent: 83.9%. I'm present, plus one supporter; he is not.1:1.
Exhibit 4: me same as above, opponent 95.9%, not present. 1:1.
Exhibit 5: me same as above, opponent 106.2, not present. Loss 1:3
Exhibit 6: opponent 99.4%, not present. 1:1.
After about 5 years with this game, I can surely say that it's much closer to slot machine than most people think, and all these formations, sideline orders, condition, morale, etc etc, have only entertainment value.
(The quality percentages of the teams are what T11 shows as of today, it apparently does not capture them at the time of the game and in all history games shows today's values; but it's safe to assume that the gaps were comparable)