keep him, but I don't suggest you putting skill points in learning a new role.. unless you're a token buyer and going to power train him or whatever.
Thanks for the feedback! you know how to cancel learning a new role?
I don't think you can, just don't put points into it.
You can not cancel. just do not put the points there.
Dragons FC
Season 1 - 1st place
Season 2 - 1st place
Is it worth it to buy a youth academy player at this time... he is 24T 28 quality(4*) and gk.. current gk is 26yo...30quality and one on one stopper
Started 21/02/13
Team: (Kashiwa Washi) (柏イーグル) (คะชิวะนกอินทรี) (柏市鹰)
Current Season / Level: 3
Season 1 / Level 1
league champion
Season 2 / Level 2
League champion Undefeated GA = 1
Champions League Undefeated GA = 0
Cup Champions
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