I just wonder if there is anyone who was able to win the treble more than 3 times in a row? In my 37 season I was able to win 9 trebles. 3 x 3 and after each 3 victories it looks like the games does everything possible not to make you win the treble for the next 2-3 seasons.
My today's experience in the cup final made me really angry making me create this post.
My last 3d treble was 2 seasons ago. The last season I lost the cup to the opponent 25 % lower than me. In the first 30 minutes I scored 3 goals, than received the direct red card and in the next 20 minutes the opponent, who was not present, scored 5!!!! goals. I lost as the game ended 4-5 so I was stolen the treble by the game itself as I easily won the champions league and the league, but lost the cup final. The game sad it was just our unlucky day. Ok, when it happens once you can overcome it.
Today's cup final with exactly the same quality opponent. After the first half of the absolutely equal game the score is 1-1 and the game is very interesting. But all of a sudden on the 46th min my main DC Nazari gets direct red card for.... bad behaviour, in addition with free kick from which I receive the second goal. The game is ruined as trying to switch to hard attack I receive 2 more goals and the game ends in 1-4. My main DC who in the previous 42 games of the season hasn't received even 1 yellow card now gets direct red and with such a stupid explanation. I wouldn't pay any attention if it was some season league game. But 2 cup finals in a row with direct red cards - are you joking. I don't think this is a coincidence. It looks like the game does anything possible so that I couldn't win my next treble. I don't now discuss the troll results in FA matches which are a lot, but this is the problem with the main events of the game. You simply feel that it doesn't matter how hard you try to find the right system as each result is predetermined and you will win your treble when the game decides so.
So I really want to know if it is possible to win more than 3 trebles in a row or if I'm the only one lucky person.
By the way, below are some pictures of today's game and the stats of my dc who was kicked off the field today. And as usual some fantastic comments from ass manager. At least it was not the bad day as usual. As I'm starting to think that I have a team full of girls that once in a month have the so called "bad days" - you know what I mean )