I think it's a great idea to refresh the scout list more often. But as Nik mentioned, I just do not understand the marketing strategy... Why do you not motivate managers who want to spend their tokens, like me ? I will be happy to spend 69 tokens on a player provided: 1) I am 95% sure he's going to perform 2) He's young - I mean, 18 or 19. I used to buy loads of scouts. Now, I slowed down a bit because you get players as good on the market. 24 tokens just to get the list refreshed ? I'd like to know how many clicks you gonna get on the bloody button apart from accidental ones... This is just impossible to understand... I want to spend my tokens, not to waste them. And it's the same with potential great ideas like personal trainer, double bonus or negociation that are just ruined by the insane amount of tokens you are asking for. Sad.