Spanish Forum Moderator
World Cup of Guessing Scores IIIrd edition
Here we go again!
Spain won the last edition of this World Cup Scores Guessing, so will have the right to be represented as "head of serie".
There will be some little changes in this edition that will have round every 2 days (one day I will write the ticket with matches of the upcoming day, this till the Finale and fight for the 3rd day.
The tickets are formed by 4 matches, and everyone have 1 option to catch the real scores, which is the 1st criteria to decide who wins the round.
The second criteria is guess well who wins, loses or draw, and the third criteria is catch in the ticket the same amount of goals that the real matches have.
I will not close the participation with 8 teams as before, in the case that a 9th team joins, the Cup will not start in the Quarter Finals, but will have a previous round, 9th vs 8th to decide who occupy the 8th place, if a 10th joins, will face the 7th and so.
Till a max of 15 participants because the 1st is the spot saved for the winner that have right to stay in the QF's. So max. we will have 7 play-offs but I will decide the moment to close the participation.
For now the idea is open the register today and tomorrow. Wednesday I could add the tiecket with Thursday matches.
In this edition, the winner will recive a prize of 30 Tokens.
Too, the ticket for the final, will be open to all the participants, who will have the chance to write their participation and if someone catch 3 of the 4 scores, will win as in the weekend contest, a fan shop item, but as said, this option will exist with the ticket that decides who's the winner. 
QF's-Spain - Alessio
-Austria - Niddhoeggr
-Japan - The Savage
-Ukraine - a.gavrilin
-Romania - Madflo
P.off-England - Ivan Kysil
P.off-Nigeria - Spartan
P.off-Indonesia - Bang Jarwo
vs 8th -Greenland - Hairdrayer
vs 7th-Poland - Brolly
vs 6th-Germany - Timex
Last edition thread:
Ist- Romania (Madflo) - Albania (Kenotic) - Greenland (HairDryer)
IInd- Spain (Alessio Fitch) - Poland (Brolly) - Romania (Madflo)
Last edited by khris; 08-30-2017 at 03:04 PM.
Would like to participate again and I will represent Austria.
Thanks for the effort and work!
I will switch back to Japan
I'm also in with Ukraine, just as usual
If Alessio doesn't want to take Romania,i will,so I'm waiting for him to see what he will choose
England, it's my dream. Let's play!
I'll stick with Nigeria
Thanks 4 d effort khris
i will represent Indonesia again
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