Hello fellow managers!
I'm not a long timed manager in Top11 but I realized that a discord server where managers can connect to other managers in the game would be a great idea.
So I created a discord server for Top11 managers.
Join by https://discord.gg/GkDjymG
For those who don't know what discord is: It's a chat application especially for gamers where people can talk to other gamers around the world. It's available in both Play Store and Appstrore.
Many managers have difficulties in finding good associations to play with or recruiting new active and strong members to their associations. Also instant help by tactical advises for managers matches isn't easy to get instantly. Chat function in discord will solve these problems immediately. Association seekers will get invitations very fast and tactical suggestion will rain immediately with explanations. For bigger success, I call experienced managers to step in.
This server also allows general chat where managers from different countries can talk to each others about anything, especially about football! (don't worry, chat room for general discussion and top11 are separate so your important requests won't get lost in "hello, how are you" messages)
I explained the main goals of this server in #info channel in the server. Here are my goals for the English discord server for Top11:
-Since Top11 is a football manager game which has different and complex tactics, it's hard for a manager to always know what the best tactics are to use match by match. We're supposed to give each other strategical support based on past experiences here.
-Association tournaments are one of the most profitable and tactic-based match types in this game but in order to gain more tokens by associations, association members should be active managers who share training bonuses and loan players to prepare themselves better against the association's opponents. This server will be a place to find compromising associations with active players and to discuss strategies for incoming association matches. We'll be like an "association of associations".
-As I imagine, a person who plays and likes Top11 is probably interested in football in real life too. Managers from different countries provide a variety of opinions with interesting events and facts from their countries about football, so I think football in general is a good topic to talk about for a nice and diverse community. Briefly, this community encourages talking about football.
All managers are welcome to the server, level doesn't matter. I hope it helps the Top11 experience of all managers especially by tactical support and associations. Do not forget to invite your manager friends to the server, bigger server means bigger help.
Wish to see you in the server![]()