TuaMa: Season 3 team
Season 1: Cup Preliminaries and League winners
Season 2:Cup preliminaries, League winners and Champions League winners!
Season 3: League winners, CL winners
Season 4: In progress.
My Team<<<<<<<< When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” –C. S. Lewis
Bit of a shock result today for me, Im lvl 3 facing a lvl 4 in the Cup, my rating 29.8 his rating 25, And ended up losing 4-2 at home... was completely blown away, not sure if i can pull back the win.
Expected to win it.
bad times
Won the first Cup-game earlier this afternoon, an away tie. Hadn't expected to win since he was lvl 7 and I'm at lvl 5, I've got an average of 40,8* and he's 38,5* but he's got almost double the size of my squad and seems to have planned for the Cup since he has several low-star squad players.
We both watched the game and he had a maximum capacity crowd of 31,000 fans. I got to an early lead, then had a second yellow card for one of my central midfielders resulting in a red. Got a 2nd goal in the 66th, but he scored first in the 70th and then in the 73rd. I thought that would end the game, but then in the 77th my new argentinian striker scored and then in the 82nd my new central midfielder scored the winning goal.
He's got a budget in excess of 59m so I'm fairly certain he might try and strengthen. Will hopefully be a good game tomorrow, I just hope my small squad can cope with any eventual changes he makes to his.
I really couldn't care what I do in the cup again this season after the manipulation attempt failed. If I get knocked out I will just play loads of friendlies again.
*Retired From Top Eleven*
What is pissing me off is the new Offer sistem at lv 4.
Surely it's quite nice (despite the 8-10 tokens needed each time to buy someone) and allows some interaction, but god. From IOS at work i couldn't add any Skill Point to 3/4 of my team cause they were under offers, and from ios i can't access it. Hence, suck it up. It was so disappointing and i PRETEND ios to implement it.