We had put up for sale Johny Mason, an interesting 18 yo Q34 striker, about 3 hours ago. At the end of the negotiations, we are proud to announce that after putting him available for 5,6 M after several rounds of elimination he went for the final price of 8 M.

We got the 18 yo free youth from our facility, just to find out he trained like a retarded on 10/25/40. We immediatly sacked him, but before that we hanged him on the bar and used him as shooting target practice for our seniors.

We are now proud to present you the fruit of our efforts overnight. We achieved money equal to nearly 50T and due to it, we invested over a brand new appeared scout.

We shiningly present to the medias Oliver Hutton KAI (V2)

We will immediatly take action to bring him to 7*. This new arrival brings our so seeked initial seson's phase objective very near. We are now 39.2 Q out of our 40.0 objective.