Aye, I've seen my AML/AMRs do too. : O dang!
Well I'll definitely be asking about this.
i like this new fluid formation style which we can have more freedom to orders the players rather than just UP/DOWN arrow as in previous.
BUT, the opponent already know what we are trying to do based on where we put the players before the match start because they can see my fluid formation in match preview and also the shadow of opponent player in squad screen.
so, my tactical not a secret anymore before the match start.
its not normal, you actually should can only know the opponent fluid formation by observing the players during the match only
I suggest, the opponent only can see my fluid formation when the match start during live match.
before the match, they only know the default assigned position (center location) of every assigned position.
Last edited by adifairus; 11-18-2017 at 10:52 AM.
Hm, I think I know where you're coming from with this adifairus. Yeah the old arrows were a lovely little "hidden weapon" you could use to boost your players' def/attack capabilities. As you said you could only find out if players were set with these during the actual match by directly observing.
Hah I for one would be happy to see as many additional tactical choices for my matches lol. I'm a fan of RTS/turn-based strategies/grand strategies so stuff like this will all but be in my ballpark of fun.
Anyway, its not over really lets see what comes in future months. This is not the last iteration of the new formations system.
its not that i want to return to the old arrow method.
i really love this new style of freedom to put the player at any location in specific position zone,
but the opponent should only know where i put my exact player location during the live match only.
not before the match.
Before the match, they should only can see my formation just a basic with default center player location.
this is what im suggesting.
well i understand this new squad screen is still in beginning stage and in progress of improving.
this is the reason i still keep playing this game because i know it will keep improving better
If you put the wingers sloser.to the midfield maybe they wont tke part in the middle.
Are you thinking this game is logical?
Yesterday my friend's team won AGAINST STRONGER team with MC@AMC OOP scored 2 goals and got MOM
when you (my team) win against 67% weaker team with an orphan goal what do you think?
You dropping out (my team) from cup against weaker lower level team in extra time where your oppo scores with freekick non FK spec, no "FK white skill" man?And your (mine) FK specialist failing with near 285% Shoot, fin., strength skills!
Absolutely logical everythingohh wait
Last edited by Gabez Teh; 12-04-2017 at 07:03 PM.
I don't like when my rival see my players position, as well I don't like to see his/her; it's feel me nude
during the match time if you try to move the player it pop up player's profile which cost time; changing formation, changing players etc pain.
I can fight against a real player but can't fight against game engine (troll).
Trolling ruin the game fun and all efforts.
We play for fun not frustration.