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Thread: I have FOMO

  1. #1
    Addicted Temidayo_'s Avatar
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    Mar 2016

    I have FOMO

    I have recently developed a fear of missing out on top notch attackers. A lot recently changed about how I play the game. I treat it more like real life football now: Attack wins games. (Ignore whatever Alex Ferguson reportedly said, check the stats of EPL winners the past 10 years instead. Think about Liverpool's 13/14 EPL season too.) Not attacking to win by stupidly removing balance from your team by playing a super-uber-attacking system. Instead, optimising attack by signing the best possible attackers for cheap, and jettisoning any player who doesn't work out as soon as possible.

    As a non-token-buying, non-token-farming 35T manager (who's come to hoard a lot of tokens thanks to the new transfer market + assoc + daily treats), I had a real challenge to battle. First iteration of this involved signing scout/recommended high % attackers. Didn't work out as I came to realise scout/recommended players too can be disappointingly average.

    The new, ongoing iteration involves signing attackers from auctions for 1T. Yup, only 1T. I have made mistakes a number of times of course, but I think I already learnt my lesson. Top of the events that set me straight was signing an STR who had all skills above 100% in desperation for 10T last season and oh my my! did he epitomise ****e??

    I trial players in friendly games (basically my only use of green packs), the ones who impress, stay, and the ones who don't are sent straight to the black hole.

    This season, I kept signing every single attacker I could get for 1T without having trialed the ones I already signed and determined whether they were going or staying. For someone who before now wondered why the hell anyone needed more than 22 squad places when the limit was increased to 28, I wish the limit were higher.

  2. #2
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    what is FOMO ?
    khris likes this.

  3. #3
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    what is FOMO ?
    "I have recently developed a fear of missing out on top notch attackers. "

    I too was thinking about that... was going to search in the encyclopedia as the name sems some name of a amphibian... xD

  4. #4
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    well as far as AMR/L goes once you find the right ones I don't think there should be a big concern. My main focus would be ST.

  5. #5
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    ST is the big concern of any football club anyway.
    Imagine Mou who bought Lukaku and Sanchez