CD Rocket - Team showcase
Stadium: Estadio Cabo Cañaveral
League Champion: 4 [3, 4, 5, 6] --- League Runner's up: 0 --- League 3rd place: 1 [2]
Cup Champion: 1 [6] --- Cup Runner's up: 0 --- Cup 3rd place: 2 [2, 5]
Champions League Champion: 0 --- Champions League Runner's up: 2 [2, 3] --- Champions League 3rd place: 1 [5]
Super League Champion: 0 --- Super League Runner's up: 0 --- Super League 3rd place: 0
Triplets: 0
Current Season: 7 --- Level 7
The plan was do all the list and divide managers by timezone, in a continental way maybe... I will need the final list to decide how I do the draws by the way xD
About the captures, as tomorrow I'll be a little busy maybe and the starting season;
-I need as the starting post say, once you create the account, a capture of the page where are showed the %'s of attack-defense and phis/ment of the whole team (no need of individual players captures cause we can be crazy with that) lol
will be needed. Too showing the team resources.
-Read the rules because I modified some points, like the min' of 18 players that will be the actual one. But more or less are so basic.
-After the team creation, and the capture of the starting team done, added here with your country info, you can start upgrading the training level until level 5 to unlock the FAs.
-Market will be open once you have the starting captures done. Every new player signed will need to be at least, mentioned here -or in FB group- with his % of avQ, and tokens cost then time to time I will ask for team captures or check the FAs teams searching the assos.
-As you know, gather boosters via ads is not allowed for fair play, so, if I ask for the captures of the %'s is to try to have a control of every team's XP winning, despite all this is a individual responsibility accomplish the rules and it's limits.
-If, you finally link the teams to some FB accounts -you know I recommend 1st have them linked to Google Play- there's a FB group created, where too will be allowed to share captures and so:
OMA Masters League IVth Edition
Then I can create a general chat too, despite that we will have the assos one and this forum too.
Last edited by khris; 03-03-2018 at 01:53 PM.
Now I would like a general fb chat page
But as was already stated if you link the google team to fb +5 tokens are added are you considering this ??
Last edited by khris; 03-03-2018 at 02:42 PM.
1.why is this unfair? anyone under 30/day should say it now or keep silent forever can you tell if 6% gain is FT w/o greens or average pushed with 3-4 greens/day? 16 teams × 18 players = 288 players to check daily for irregularities, you sure you want that?
I ask to that rule to be removed, just observe tokens
This is the page I need, I went with my team of old potatoes and did x3 sprint trinings (very hard drills) as you can see only the 19 aged player -how sad have only one lol-, won 1% attack and 2% physical. This "should be a normal training session % increasing using the 60% of the condition. If the %s are increased in a higher way day yes and day yes, "should be" related/justified by the use of resources, because would have no logic. Thats why I ask for that page and resources, despite is a individual responsibility.
@sasha I'm not gonna touch this rule, this comp have the idea to use limited resources, and have limits of quality etc.
We can't know or guarantee the availability of resources and we should understand that there's a huge difference between play with 108Taprox or with almost 800 as would be the case "in some cases" if we allow this.
By the way this, should work a little bit all alone as said, everyone will know the rules, so all members will be able to check if someone is playing with 7*'s, if some AvQ is oversized too should be visible, too I will check time to time the %s page and resources of the whole team, not player per player, Im not so crazy xD
Last edited by khris; 03-03-2018 at 04:00 PM.
Understand that this will work if everyone do it's part. That's all guys![]()