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Thread: Tanker wins cup final with 9 players

  1. #1
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    Tanker wins cup final with 9 players

    This is just one of those things that makes you wonder if red cards are becoming visual too. This guy is on the way of a treble and being on the same league as mine I could smell after the 1st week he was gonna win just because of the goal difference and the fact that he has amazing attackers. He does deserve that to be objective from the quality of his team, but this match shouldn't have gone in his favor just by logic. He managed to score 2 goals with 9 players and the effects of that disadvantage were minimal to none. Sometimes I may sound as I come to absolute conclusions when I make posts like this and I apologize because I don't. This things just amaze me, like niko said in a post when you get a red card you get trolled when the opponent gets one you still get trolled, pardon if I misquoted

    P.S. And by the way I know that nothing is impossible and miracles can happen in real life, but for the love of Christ don't say that something similar happened in the Belgian league 10 years ago or something, this is still unacceptable result in my opinion. Maybe is just the classic case of the attending manager having a disadvantage over and absent one.

    Tanker wins cup final with 9 players-screenshot_20180228-192252.jpg

  2. #2
    Ozz is offline
    Rookie Ozz's Avatar
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    Tanker wins cup final with 9 players-screenshot_2018-02-28-22-25-55.jpg Something strange with tankers this season.
    Tanker wins cup final with 9 players-screenshot_2018-02-28-22-34-04.jpg
    Tanker wins cup final with 9 players-screenshot_2018-02-28-22-33-52.jpg
    Last edited by Ozz; 02-28-2018 at 07:36 PM.
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  3. #3
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
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    Result is predetermined.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
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  4. #4
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HairDryer View Post
    Result is predetermined.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
    I guess that's the case.
    The game calculates the quality and other factors before the game and what you saw "live" was just an illusion.
    Sometimes it's happening.
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  5. #5
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    It's something I have suspected for a long time, I also see that one of the things the game favors is the team with the highest rated attacker.