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Thread: Any good reason to upgrade stadium?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Any good reason to upgrade stadium?

    I have 111,000 seats now and I’m at level 14 as a manager and
    I sell tickets at $27 to fill out all seats
    To upgrade stadium to next level and have 133,000 it would cost me $150,000,000
    So the extra 22,000 fans would increase my income per game of $594,000
    So by doing simple math I will break even after 252 home games and get my investment back.
    That is over 10 seasons if I make it all the way in all competitions. But maybe 6-7 seasons because ticket prices will increase when moving up.
    Can someone give me any good reason why to upgrade?
    I just feel it’s overpriced at this stage

  2. #2
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    there is a max attendance per level
    so you can have a bigger stadium.

    150 M' isn't much for your level, it's the cost of two players but the most important is to play a lot of games in Champion's league and Cup.
    There 's the money.

  3. #3
    1) you say it, you will get the investment back
    2)t11 is a very strange football manager concerning money, it is no issue to have more than enough, so if you upgrade or not doesnt matter

  4. #4
    Addicted adifairus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    whether you upgrade your stadium or not, your money will keep increasing and someday you will have too much money until you doesn't know what to do with it,

    what you should think now is how to use your invested token correctly and how to get it back either by reselling your Fast Trained players and winning various competition introduced in game that offer token prize