Who creates these leagues? I want to thank him for being stupid... Strong teams end season under the line of promotion, but in the next season, in CL group stage, we get teams at 50%... 2nd place team has -4 goal difference, they couldn't score more than a goal per game... 9th team is 2 points behind the leader and 12th team is 5 points behind... Ridiculous!!!
I think he means that there is a bad balance where strong teams all play in the same league and weak teams have all easy leagues (basically dead leagues) and yet they are rewarded by playing in Champions League.
Problem is, 6 teams from 9th to 14th place will be high % tankers on the same level next season, and new teams at that level will stand no chance to win the league... Teams in CL are supposed to be harder to beat, than those in the league...
0-0 in FAs vs a 115 having 140% and I meditated.....
It is posible that some sub's are the "chosen ones" to be the determinant players..¿? so despite that they have less avQ the best trained ones... where chosen by me.. but wrongly so... I can't incorporate new players that "should be programmed to have success" because I reached a max. of effective players that I dont use cause they are sub's and reserves??,,,
Correia, GKK... Moukete, Yordanov STs.. Lennartson amc... Vergilov dl.dc Ljanov DC.... these were really all good players..... I should test them in the 11
Potato of me... if that works xDDD lol I've set Yordanov as ST in a 4-3-3 and I have Moukete as sub.... let's compare... maybe the problem s that I have too much players and the game can't assign roles of protagonist....
Despite all the last 0-0 in FAs count as a 7th score without sense xD