I played CM/FM/Hattrick for years but the league system in Top Eleven is so confusing. In HT you can tell right away you are in something like VI.64

I just joined the game a couple of days ago.
How many league levels are there? I understand there are servers.

If I read the lousy official wiki (so tiny) it says Champions League has only 32 teams. Even my team can qualify from placing 1-4. That means ever level of a league on a server has its own champions league competition?
But still, how can i find out my league level? How deep can I promote etc. There is no ¬tree¬ to look at?
They made this like an instant gratification so everyone can get something pretty fast. While others brag with 50s of cheap trophies :/

And a bonus question: is there any chance they add national teams? The seasons might happen too fast for this.