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  • 1 Post By vengeances

Thread: how does the market work?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    how does the market work?

    i've recently seen something weird in the transfer market. i was bidding on a player with the following overall and percentage (pic.1), i've lost the player to a manager at the level 9(i'm at level 12). so i saw the player after the bidding time checking his new percentage. (pic.2)
    does anybody know how the transfer market changes the player's overall and the percentage. or when i put a player in the market, how his skills going to be changed for the auction and after the transfer? are the player's stats going to be counted for the price?

    before auction
    how does the market work?-photo_2018-05-22_23-01-43.jpg
    how does the market work?-photo_2018-05-22_23-02-03.jpg

    After auction
    how does the market work?-photo_2018-05-22_23-01-40.jpg
    how does the market work?-photo_2018-05-22_23-02-51.jpg

    My team and the team won the auction
    how does the market work?-photo_2018-05-22_23-06-36.jpg
    khris likes this.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    The % is a extraction relative to the value assigned for the 5th star in every level.

    To try to explain it,

    At Level 1 - (in the old version when we had no %'s, now internally) the 5* had a value of 20 points, and the 5* is always assigned as 80% as value now.

    At L2, to achieve the 5* you need +5 points, so, 25.

    If you see a 5* player, of level 2, from level 1, you will see him as 6* so 100% because 25 points at L1 is 6*-100%

    And more or less this is the explanation of what you see.

    Then you should know that the market adapts the player % to, the level where the player goes, so the player will change his "basic points" to be adapted to it's level taking into account that 5* is 80%".