Originally Posted by
True but not entirely true.
Half the time it is tactical, the other half is stupidity where they dont understand the process or they dont care to.
What I find the most frustrating is the people who bid multiple times per round. If I am a token buyer, this is not an issue as I dont mind the final buying price because I just buy more $$$, but when you dont buy tokens, this pisses you off because the idiot drives up the price.
I had a guy yesterday that spent 4 tokens each round. I think he was trying to tell me that he wanted the player and was not going to give up. So I went 49 rounds with him and lost on purpose so I would not have to pay the $$$. I dont mind losing the tokens because I will just buy more in this case, but I did it just to spite him because I would rather buy a scout for 50 tokens and the amount of $$$ he spent on a 5 star player.
I read yesterday that you did the same thing with your second account with 100 tokens...I feel the same way. Make idiots pay the price for their stupidity.