a dictionary definition does not suffice in this case. Because there is no written rule does not mean there is no moral/ethical or unwritten rule.
You are preventing someone from bidding in an auction. How is that NOT cheating??? Using an exploit in a game is cheating. It doesnt get more obvious.
I have played many a computer game and have seen many "cheats" for many games. They are not illegal or against the rules, as they dont put in the game rulebook to "not cheat". It is clearly an unwritten and understood rule. BUT it is available for all to do, just put in the code and you are invulnerable or infinity ammo...whatever.
Just dont try to justify behaviour like this as a dirty trick and not cheating.
All that to say, it is cheating...but I like that instead of spending 30 tokens in a bidding war with some retard that bid multiple times every round......