I know what you and the others mean but you've to know too, that without token buyers this game wouldn't be up, since nordeus pays the server bills with that money xP
I know what you and the others mean but you've to know too, that without token buyers this game wouldn't be up, since nordeus pays the server bills with that money xP
Last edited by reallaw; 04-14-2013 at 11:23 PM.
world economy is bad, i'm doing my part.
My Team<<<<<<<< When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” –C. S. Lewis
I just don't understand why people will complain or ask questions about other players that purchase tokens! I mean this is a game and it must remain one but everyone has a different view of online games (some like to play without spending some want to win everything so good for them if they can afford it). At this very moment, I have 3 teams (1 level 3 that I spend 40$ per month and 2 level 2 teams that IO spend 20$ per month). I am 1st with the 2 teams on level 2 but curiously with the 3 Level one just lost today so as u can see money does not buy you everythingSo let's have some fun since that's the purpose of this game and stop bashing or making remarks towards our fellow managers why they buy tokens, why so much etc
Have a great week-end!
Season 1: DOUBLE! League and Cup Winner
Season 2: DOUBLE! League and CL Winner
Season 3: DOUBLE! League and Cup Winner
Season 4: DOUBLE! League and CL Winner
Season 5: League Winner
Season 6: TREMBLE! League, Cup and CL Winner
Season 7: League Winner
Campioana unei mari iubiri! HAI CRAIOVA!!!
Not entirely true. There are other ways to finance a site other than contributions from members. Adverts and guardian angels/investors.
So again, for the umpteeth time, I am calling BULL**** on this one.
There are many sites like this that operate as free games but use forced adverts for money. The money is not as good, but it is money coming in.
So please stop being ignorant by saying that without token buyers there would be no T11.
I'm not being ignorant lol just telling my opinion.
It probably wouldn't. Games are made to make profit. Without income of $ they would think twice to continue the game.
They are Humans and most humans are after money
With the money they earn they,
pay the server bills,
pay the workers
and stick alot of the left money in their own pocket.
You can't do that with only adverts
Last edited by reallaw; 04-15-2013 at 12:27 AM.
Tell that to facebook. Thats how they started. Nordeus is just greedy and found a way to exploit people
yes reallaw, I am fully aware of this. The problem I have, is that many people are either not aware of this, or they dont care. I would prefer to help people open their eyes and then, and only then, will something positive happen that might make Nordeus do something to make this game a bit more fair in every sense.
Just buy tokens u will have the same amount his investing money in the game looks like don't hate the player hate the game