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Thread: How`s that? mutants 18 y.o.

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Reece p FC View Post
    I have no idea what you just said lol, and I thought you couldn't play a game if players are under 30% or is that just the international cup?
    Only international cup

  2. #52
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    May 2018
    So obvious that Nordeus has given up on fixing or improving things, instead they seem to be focused on new things to screw up.

  3. #53
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    So, any explaination about the player of the first post?
    ok, here is the answer
    We 're talking about a manager with many accounts.
    His team A buying a 3* 18 y.o. player, 40%.
    Making him 7* player - 120% only with friendlies.
    He is playing with 0% condition so gaining only from 4% white skills from motm.
    One star (20%) needs 75 games so totally 300 games.
    You can play a game every 15 min so can arrange about 60 (?) ped day, so about 5 days.
    You play those games in auto, against google teams you create, put them in some asso group so you don't bother other friend-managers too
    You can arrange only 3 friendlies vs a friend per day so count how many google teams must create

    Our player now still has some grey skills but team B (another "factory" team), 4 levels above team A, buying him with 0 tokens (only 10 tokens for nordeus nego tax).
    Doing the same as team A and making him from 3*-60% > 7*-120% and up-selling him to another "factory" team, C (4 levels above).
    C doing the same, up-selling him to the main team.
    I think if 3 "factory" teams doing that , it's enough to reduce his grey skills to 1%.
    The main team can keep playing friendlies and increase more his white skills.

    The only thing must do is
    - not to use him in official games (only asso games)
    - not to train him with grey skills drills
    Usually those teams staying season and play only for asso- platinum- top100.

    All this procedure above, is for free (without spending money-tokens), without watching those friendlies, only arrange them and fixing the daily program of the teams.

    Why nordeus promotes this free of charge creation of mutants ?
    (some managers must remember that before some months, the motm wasn't earning those 4 % skills).
    Maybe it's some kind of compensation for those, the hard-core players who lost the GK training ?
    Don't know.
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 07-19-2018 at 08:57 PM.
    Ποσιδονας and dsio like this.
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  4. #54
    Join Date
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    In other words, cheat. No, more accurately “game the system.” Too bad I have a life or maybe I would do all of that.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    ok, here is the answer
    The only thing must do is
    - not to use him in official games (only asso games)
    - not to train him with grey skills drills
    Usually those teams staying season and play only for asso- platinum- top100.
    Is there an advantage in getting all the grey skills down to 1%, or is it just for looks?

  6. #56
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoachB View Post
    In other words, cheat. No, more accurately “game the system.” Too bad I have a life or maybe I would do all of that.
    what life ?
    yesterday you made 10-20 posts here, only just for moaning - lol

  7. #57
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoachB View Post
    In other words, cheat. No, more accurately “game the system.” Too bad I have a life or maybe I would do all of that.
    A bit like tanking. Cannot call it cheating as it is not illegal or banned but still not in the spirit of the game however people will exploit where possible.
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  8. #58
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing this Nik (I understand that you didn't want to)
    I made some wrong calculations but from your post got it how it works.
    So, a 18 y.o. cannot have 1% grey skills unless from some upselling.
    That's what I thought from the beginning.

  9. #59
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TropikThunder View Post
    Is there an advantage in getting all the grey skills down to 1%, or is it just for looks?
    The scenario is that - let's say for example - a player with 1% grey skills and 200% white skills has avg q 100%.
    This team probably will play vs another team with about the same q because that's the way the draws are working in T11.

    But our player with 200% or more in white skills is recognized as a high class player from the game mechanics, more than a 8* so dominates in the game vs players with more balance skills.

    The other scenario is that the game mechanics have some kind of malfunction when calculate games-teams-players with top skill numbers, giving them enormous advantage.

    Some prefer to call those players "well trained" instead of mutants but it's not that logic .
    The first mutants had 1500% in Fitness, Speed or Strength only.
    How can a defender dominates the game with only 1500% Fitness but 1% in tackling and marking
    Lukáš Ledecký and dsio like this.

  10. #60
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    I saw an opponent, lvl 6, start playing since february, last season this team won treble, so definitely not a tanker...
    His team gas average of 150%,
    What i cant figure out is his defense, he manage to have a keeper and all defender with almost legendary skill...
    Even with friendlies bugs, u cant do that... There is no way to keep ur defender anx keeper winning the motm so often...
    And these players have played more than 80 - 100 games, so definitely not from IC either...
    Can anyone guess how?

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