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Thread: Guess the scores WC II

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  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Guess the scores WC II

    Here we go with a 2nd edition of this guess the scores dedicated to the WC.

    This time will be a little bit different, as every match will give a jersey as reward, and looking that was not easy to sum points the 1st time I will give some more chances.

    I will give as before 1 HT (Half Time) option but for the FT (Final Time 90' + added, no Extra time or PKs) scores we will allow 3 attempts, and there will be a option of "who scores first" with 3 options, local, visitor or, 0-0.

    The idea is that this thread will be modified and have space for ALL the matches of the competition, and from now on, there still 10 matches till the end of this World Cup, so, I will include all matches from now on.

    -If a match have no forumers with at least 1 point, no jersey xD
    -The forumer with more points in one match, wins.
    -Points will be:
    1 point for 1st goal option (L,V, 0-0)
    FT = 2 points as have 3 options
    HT = 3 points as is a single option.
    Draw means, I will pick a random winner.

    Sweden - Switzerland 3th July 16pm Ger/spain time zones always*

    HT X1
    FT X3
    1ST GOAL?

    Colombia - England 3th July 21pm*

    HT X1
    FT X3
    1ST GOAL?


    Uruguay - France 6th July

    HT X1
    FT X3
    1ST GOAL?

    WINNER: ADRIAN WINS, 4 POINTS. rejected, Stefanakis win the draw* Sweden shirt.

    Brazil - Belgium 6th July

    HT X1
    FT X3
    1ST GOAL?

    WINNER: COPE KING FT + V Serbian shirt.

    Russia - Croatia 7th July 20pm

    HT X1
    FT X3
    1ST GOAL?

    WINNER: triple draw, COPE KING wins Russia shirt.

    Sweden - England 7th July 16pm

    HT X1
    FT X3
    1ST GOAL?

    WINNER: ROGERNICEGUY England shirt.*

    ****I will add the next matches, please, add your options before the matches start and do not edit the comment, if you do a mistake, copy paste and new post .
    Same if you wanna add matches that will be played next days, do not edit the post. You can perfectly play with the games of 1 single day per post if you prefer.

    Good luck!

    France - Belgium

    HT X1
    FT X3
    1ST GOAL?

    WINNER: STEFANAKIS Italy shirt.

    Croatia - England

    HT X1
    FT X3
    1ST GOAL?

    WINNER:; STEFANAKIS Denmark shirt.

    Belgium - England
    1ST GOAL? (V/L/0-0)

    WINNER: A.GAVRILIN Croatia shirt.

    France - Croatia
    1ST GOAL? (V/L/0-0)

    Last edited by khris; 07-16-2018 at 04:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator casper™'s Avatar
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    Colombia - England

    HT 0-1

    FT 1-1 / 2-2 / 1-2

    1ST GOAL? V

    Uruguay - France 6th July

    HT 0-1

    FT 1-2 / 2-2 / 2-1

    1ST GOAL? L

    Brazil - Belgium 6th July

    HT 1-0

    FT 2-1 / 2-2 / 3-1

    1ST GOAL? L

    Russia - Croatia 7th July

    HT 1-0

    FT 1-2 / 2-2 / 2-1

    1ST GOAL? V

    Enviado do meu SM-G935F através do Tapatalk
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    edit down
    Last edited by Stefanakis; 07-03-2018 at 06:00 PM.
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  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stefanakis View Post

    Khris, is posiblle at 0:0 HT/FT to say 1st goal for any team or no? And if a possible, can a edit my post?

    Ive writed it, this option have x3 options, Local, Visitor or, 0-0 (so no goals), edit it, but soon xD

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Colombia - England

    HT 0-1

    FT 1-1 / 2-1/ 1-2

    1ST GOAL? V

    Uruguay - France 6th July

    HT 1-0

    FT 2-1 / 1-1/ 1-2

    1ST GOAL? L

    Brazil - Belgium 6th July

    HT 1-0

    FT 1-1 / 1-2 / 2-1

    1ST GOAL? L

    Russia - Croatia 7th July

    HT 0-0

    FT 0-0 / 1-0 / 1-1

    1ST GOAL? L

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Thank you, Khris. My english is not a good, so what i ask you. Ell, i need to answer you from preview post/0:0 Bel-Jap/. I join the game too late, and this is the reason to play with later match :P
    I hope so, my bet are post correctly! If a not, tell me and i will edit it :P
    khris likes this.

  7. #7
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Stefanakis View Post
    Thank you, Khris. My english is not a good, so what i ask you. Ell, i need to answer you from preview post/0:0 Bel-Jap/. I join the game too late, and this is the reason to play with later match :P
    I hope so, my bet are post correctly! If a not, tell me and i will edit it :P
    All oke, good luck to all still 1 hour aprox for the match beggining, so today we'll have a winner of 1 jersey.
    Last edited by khris; 07-03-2018 at 07:15 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Colombia - England 3th July 21pm*

    HT 1:1
    FT 2:2/1:1/2:1
    1ST GOAL V

    Uruguay - France 6th July

    HT 0:1
    FT 1:2/2:2/2:1
    1ST GOAL L

    Brazil - Belgium 6th July

    HT 0:0
    FT 0:0/1:1/2:2
    1ST GOAL L

    Russia - Croatia 7th July

    HT 0:0
    FT 1:0/1:1/2:1
    1ST GOAL L

  9. #9
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    HT 0-0 so no 3 points :P let's see if the 2nd half is like the Belgium match one xD

  10. #10
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Oke, this 1-1 give 3 points for all, so I'll pick a random winner in order of comments:


    pending to edit


    1 wins, congratz Casper u can chose a jersey xD next matches, the same, 1 jersey as gift.

    Guess the scores WC II-random-1.png
    Last edited by khris; 07-03-2018 at 09:05 PM.
    rogerniceguy and casper™ like this.

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