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Thread: Two Squads or One

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Norn Iron

    Two Squads or One

    So this is a question for the more seasoned players. At level 3 I'm running with two squads of similar ability so I can rotate and not use rests when I've a busy schedule. I have noticed that a lot of high level players only have a 1st 11 and then a few 2 star players. Am I doing the wrong thing? Does this mean my squad will develop at half the pace of everyone else's because they're playing half the games?
    Temidayo_ likes this.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Is not the high level, if a team have 11 good players and 2*'s is because is a manipulator, that's used mainly for the FAs competition if the team keep just 11 acceptable players...

    So the answer is, "depend of how you wanna play"... the game give you enough margin to play in the way you prefer, so just chose xD

    Then sure others will help with more opinions and viewpoints. lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Barfly99 View Post
    So this is a question for the more seasoned players. At level 3 I'm running with two squads of similar ability so I can rotate and not use rests when I've a busy schedule. I have noticed that a lot of high level players only have a 1st 11 and then a few 2 star players. Am I doing the wrong thing? Does this mean my squad will develop at half the pace of everyone else's because they're playing half the games?
    I don’t think that’s a good idea bro. U are running 2 squads at low level and that’s terrible for ur finance. U can fill ur 1st team with 8 young players 18-22 years old + 3 old veterans with good skill and 2 positions minimum. Then when u play your first match, if u score like 3 goals in the first half, replace the 3 old veterans with low player from ur previous season for example. The rest u can boost their conditions with green packs and u are good to go to perform another match in later that day. And remember to control ur formation from hard-low pressing and defensive... when u are ahead to save more conditions + cards penalty for ur players.
    Last edited by ElDiablo89; 08-21-2018 at 06:09 AM.
    maloukees likes this.

  4. #4
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    If you can farm 25 greens per day, 11+4 subs are enough.
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  5. #5
    Addicted Temidayo_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barfly99 View Post
    So this is a question for the more seasoned players. At level 3 I'm running with two squads of similar ability so I can rotate and not use rests when I've a busy schedule. I have noticed that a lot of high level players only have a 1st 11 and then a few 2 star players. Am I doing the wrong thing? Does this mean my squad will develop at half the pace of everyone else's because they're playing half the games?
    Level 30 here. This is exactly what I've always done. Sometimes when I have absolutely world class forwards who give insane numbers, I play them in all important games so that they sometimes play 2 games a day. Not done that in a long time though. Also recently made my LB play all games in a season for 3 consecutive seasons to ensure he beat the appearance record before he would be sold.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Norn Iron
    Are both teams you rotate fairly equal in quality or is one slightly less than the other. Ive a good cup side of 20-23 year olds and a league side who are slightly less talented at around 18-20 years old.

  7. #7
    Addicted Temidayo_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barfly99 View Post
    Are both teams you rotate fairly equal in quality or is one slightly less than the other. Ive a good cup side of 20-23 year olds and a league side who are slightly less talented at around 18-20 years old.
    They're fairly equal in quality.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    If you can farm 25 greens per day, 11+4 subs are enough.
    I play with 11 + 1 sub!
    A bit close to the wire, I know, but there's only a couple of games a season when I've had a problem.
    The other 16 players are free Academy and 3 star transfers to train and sell whenever I can.
    Aku Papua likes this.

  9. #9
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    I have 11 'first XI' players who play every match unless they are injured or suspended. The 7 subs have alternate postions just in case I need to change formation to counter a team or try and get over some adverse condition during a match. I have 6-8 others who are youth graduates or lower-Q older players who are there mainly to make the numbers up for daily training sessions to get the 4x 10% match bonuses.
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    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    In my opinion is better to have one strong team than 2 average teams...
    You just need 11 players and one decent sub...other players are used for training to get +40%

    Just have one squad...did you see any football team in the world playing matches with 2 squads ? Probably not

    Also when next season starts you will need to train 22 players instead of 11 so no savings on greens here cuz if you for example have 400 greens you will spend 200 on each which so instead of one 7star team you will have 2 6stars teams...not good in my opinion...

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