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Thread: QUESTION - Recent T11 Updates ?

  1. #1
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Nov 2012

    Question QUESTION - Recent T11 Updates ?

    Recently I've seen many managers complaining about the number of the updates that we had in-game and personally I can say that I agree with them and the main reason I am saying this is because these updates been a bit to tiring for most of us, time consuming, poorly made, etc.

    The thing is that indeed we needed some of them, we needed some extra fun so was and it's still fun to take part of them but the problem is that most of them are very badly designed and by that I mean unrealistic.

    1. To many major updates in a short time and here I speak of events. Some of the events like Top Scorer, Top Assists can freely run as they are more like background events who doesn't ask for to much time or resources but on another side having to many events in a short time like Tours, Seasons Opening, etc kinda request to much time and resources. Season Openings Challenge came like one after another and both of them required resources. The thing with "no condition lost, etc" isn't always true, you might not lose condition but still you have 2 games during the day (most of us) and in order to take part in the challenges with full condition, moral, etc you still need to do an investment after each game.

    2. Realism - That's the thing that kills me, push me away from these events. These events are fun and the idea behind them is great, I totally love it but the realism is and sorry to use the word "disgusting" but is true.

    • First of all the quality we had to face vs opponents, why opponents quality scales based on our quality, this is totally unfair and is unfair for those with good teams for those who invest time and money. Is even simple to give an example, if I have a 3 stars team and my last opponent is 6 stars in the challenge, technically with 11 tokens I can make my team 5 stars + and be very close in quality to the last opponent, yet if I am a good manager with 6 stars team my last opponent would be 9 stars and for me to go from 6 stars to 8 stars would probably cost me thousands of green packs, lots of time or thousands of tokens so may I know what's fair in this? I really do not understand why Top Eleven is actually punishing the good teams by scaling opponents quality based on theirs, it totally ruin the investment in the team and sometimes it makes it a total disadvantage.

    • Second is the realism in the events which is a very big lie and that's why I used the word "disgusting" above. Easier to explain would be if I give as example the Spain Tour Challenge where from last checkpoint till finishing the challenge I had to defeat Valencia, Barcelona and Real Madrid.
      In my case my team quality was 7 stars so I had to defeat 8 stars Valencia and 9 stars Barcelona (or was 8 for Barca!? but nevermind) and 9 stars Real Madrid. If I would have these opponents in League, CL or Cup and I would have to play vs all 3 of them in row I would never, ever defeat them, point! I play this game almost from the start, so many years now and outside the challenges I can tell you that I never seen this kind of results. If my team would be 4 stars I would never be able to beat 3 teams of 7 stars in row in CL or League let's say.

    3. No updates despite many updates - Since the new version came, what we had at the start is almost unchanged at all.

    • Club Shop - Nothing changed, opposite, the desktop version lost the official items page which is quite a big disadvantage.
    • Ground - ZERO, NADA, WHAT'S THAT PAGE?
    • Manager Page - Extra trophy room, an extra tab which for 99% of the managers is pointless, what's the point of it? 10 years from now would probably still be pointless for 99% of the managers.
    • Club - Inventory is just a big messy room, now that Top Eleven added plenty of jerseys and emblems, lots of collectors around and most of them I guess can confirm my words when I say that that page is just a big mess. There's no order there also separating emblems from jerseys isn't actually the smartest thing as technically for the manager is more time wasted every time he have to change his kit, "a road extra".
    • Animations - Live games do suffer from realism, lots of time we saw players going 1 on 1 with the keeper and passing back or worst, playing passing back with pretty much empty goal.

    .... and the list can go on.

    4. Technical issues, bugs, exploits (especially), etc. - I totally get it that this is a game with a huge number of players, etc but is not possible that a game so big to be able to be exploited so bad since day 1 almost.

    Since associations especially, the exploits became like a culture in-game, a trend, they are like a must and the worst is that the associations highlight them. Since day 1 of associations we were able to see huge exploiters in top that are rewarded by Top Eleven, how is possible that after 2 years this still going on?How?

    My request for the developers would be to focus a bit more on fixing the exploits rather then just to add more new stuff or to come with updates and give a purpose to some of the old stuff we have in-game.

    QUESTION: Does the number of recent updates have been to much for you? Have they been useful or what you expected?

    Thanks for reading and if some of my words doesn't make sense I apologize but is 4 AM here .
    Last edited by PricopGeorgeCătălin; 09-18-2018 at 11:57 AM.
    khris, jcohen42, efc123 and 7 others like this.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    What exactly is your question here?

  3. #3
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guido van den Berg View Post
    What exactly is your question here?
    "Thanks for reading and if some of my words doesn't make sense I apologize but is 4 AM here"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Totally agree...

    Limit the exploits...

    And fix the bugs first before adding things what we (the players) request

  5. #5
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    I can ask one question here:

    Why Nordeus do not want stop exploits (tanking, quality manipulation, friendlies exploit)? What is the real reason?

    And one question bonus:

    Why Nordeus punish dedication managers so hard?
    Last edited by po_zdrach; 09-18-2018 at 10:27 AM.
    Marius007 likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Totul se rezuma la marketing + profit. )
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    All the energy was thrown to these competitions and events. It was fun at start, now i avoid them. You said the real situation what is going here. Pin this and spread .

  8. #8
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    I can ask one question here:

    Why Nordeus do not want stop exploits (tanking, quality manipulation, friendlies exploit)? What is the real reason?

    Why Nordeus punish dedication managers so hard?
    i can see some contradiction here.
    The majority of the managers who are using those tricks, are very dedicate and spend lot of hours.
    To follow the team's schedule, organize the games and prepare the squad to loose or to win, to watch the friendlies, to sell or buy players so to prepare the team for next season, to train or not the players for become or stay mutants.
    And to know the game in depth, to learn the tricks or the changes, to read and communicate with other people from gb group.

    So I would change the question - Why nordeus is punishing the token buyers?

    bonus question - Why are they playing in a +1 level C.L. and CUP ?

  9. #9
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    @Guido van den Berg : Question is that if the numbers of updates that we had recently is to much (time consuming, resources consuming, etc), well one of them. BTW, question added!

    @Khris : Thank you brother!

    @maloukees : Indeed that would be pretty much the most logical thing.

    @StarlingCF : Still ...

    @po_zdrach : This is just a personal opinion but actually one of these exploits helped Top Eleven to make their players to spend more resources like boosters or to spend more time in-game which for them was good I assume. Regarding your bonus question, if by dedicated managers you mean activate managers, I do not really know but sometimes I do feel the same.

    @Ποσιδονας , you made a very good point there, you know what I meant. Regarding your question "why Top Eleven is punishing so bad token buyers" I do not know but they indeed are punished extremely bad. With all the respect for developers who I know sometimes they really wanted to help with their updates and so on but buying tokens isn't a smart movement at all. The exploits freely run in this game for a lot of time, making your investment to be 0 and I can say even worst, Top Eleven itself is punishing them by putting them with same quality opponents making their investment pointless.
    Marius007 likes this.
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  10. #10
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    Maybe i will be boring saying this, already said it lot of times , for me the problem is the lack of communication between us and the devs. With more communication lot of problems can be solved ( alredy saw this in other games ). Of course the value of the player speech must be lesser than devs but sometimes , especially for big problem i think is good for them and the game to listen to us

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