Any groups as active as mine??
Gesendet von meinem SM-G920F mit Tapatalk
Hello, i think everybody should be rewarded not just the first five, at least for participating.. If not, the event sucks cos u have put me with the toughest managers in the world to compete with.. I mean, jeez!! my team is just 80% and i am to compete with 101.5%, 99%,96% teams.. so unfair!! huh!!
I think... would be nice add info about that 8* player.... and add 20T plus the player. yeah then is a incentive xD
Those who know a little bit how the game works usually prefeer to decrease avqs as the game penalizes in cl with a +100% avq... so I guess these 8* are worth for tankers who only play in FAs right now, to keep their high avq reserves.... really, I'm so follower of following some paths to keep a sense in the avq's, so would be better a 6* + a 7* than a 8* or a 7* + tokens. Lets remind that the line is marked by the 5* market, it should be never set by those who tank.
Still there's another point here related to the internal quality of that player, it can work or it can not, it can even f*** u* the other players of the team being added... is a matter of weights really and contributions of each one by default... of course he can work and help some managers but thats not guaranteee, here why I think is always better give tokens as main prize... +max 6-7*'s
Let me add how nice is to have the control of the game during the day, and not a game controlling your day, so this is a nice challenge but, would be nice, have the 1st match for free vs all, and 2nd attempts then paying. Cuz this counting of 2 hours
By the way, won 0-2 vs the 155% team, so for now looks like this.
На мен предизвикателството и наградите ми се струват справедливи . В средата на сезона играч 8* си е далавера , а и като добавиш дневните печалби се получава супер , но ми се случи два пъти да победя противник и на него да не му отнеме една купа ( той има 3 аз побеждавам , печеля една купа , а той пак е с 3 ) друго също забавно е с един и същи противник се получи така че аз го побеждавам взимам му купата после той не бие връща си я и така продължи няколко пъти .
В момента играта предлага доста забавни неща , не е като преди 4-6г когато от една тренировка се контузваше играч и ,а капак точно преди мач някой ( приятел) вземе та ти пусне един мач и ти смъкне енергията , беше си зле.
Приятна и забавна игра на всички