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Thread: Opinions about the new challenge, imo too much points

  1. #1
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    Jul 2017

    Exclamation Opinions about the new challenge, imo too much points

    Usually i never complain but this time i have to, we can all say that this challenge is Hard , Really Hard.

    I'm not against the oppo team quality but the number of points to make are too much, is already hard to get a single win against phase 4 or 5 ( with a normal team, i'm 122 ). Also Tankers are struggling.

    What do you think guys ?

    “Football is born in the brain, not in the body"

  2. #2
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by IImaestroII View Post
    Usually i never complain but this time i have to, we can all say that this challenge is Hard , Really Hard.

    I'm not against the oppo team quality but the number of points to make are too much, is already hard to get a single win against phase 4 or 5 ( with a normal team, i'm 122 ). Also Tankers are struggling.

    What do you think guys ?
    We just entered phase 4 and I just won the first time 4-3. Until now everything seems possible. But the last opponent could be really hard to get so many points against them. We'll see.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    i don't think someone would really get the emblem... or maybe a maniac with legend team and lots of tokens to spend... i was beaten second round...i don't wanna think about level 5 or 6. everybody knows ho TE make those robot teams...100% accuracy almost every match. so, i won't bother anymore, the prizes aren't that big either.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by funker View Post
    i don't think someone would really get the emblem... or maybe a maniac with legend team and lots of tokens to spend... i was beaten second round...i don't wanna think about level 5 or 6. everybody knows ho TE make those robot teams...100% accuracy almost every match. so, i won't bother anymore, the prizes aren't that big either.
    F**K the emblem. How about WHERE ARE OUR REWARDS first. Viva Nordeus ! They owe me so many tokens and greens and missing association points over the years if taking them to court was possible I 'd have a good claim for £1000 real cash payout !!! GETTING EFFING SICK OF THESE ISSUES being ignored and nordeus focusing just on making F**KING money

  5. #5
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    well, it's not only that.
    King of the hill remains the best contest (for me) because there the opponents were humans and the teams were real.
    Now with those bot oppo, many games are fixed no matter the quality (as other similar old contests) .
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Yeah in the beginning i thought the quality of the bot teams is the same as the national team event. Until I reach phase 4 and it’s freaking hard per game, my teammate can’t score more than 1 goal versus them, like wtf every game is a freaking final match for c1 or cup and of course, no extra time and pen either....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Too many games, too many games.
    Same as King of the Hill. Too much in to short a space of time.
    I think I've played 12 matches in 10 hours so far today, and it's only 15:00.
    Hey ho, associations match in 10 mins.

  8. #8
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    The AvQ displayed needs to be re-calibrated according each manager in a individual way and with a min of AvQ of 80 to avoid manipulations.

    I was 138%, the asso buddies arround 100, and the system just added +30 to my AvQ so, it's a impossible challenge.

    So thats why I ask for a re-calibration of oppo's .

  9. #9
    Rookie pele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    well, it's not only that.
    King of the hill remains the best contest (for me) because there the opponents were humans and the teams were real.
    Now with those bot oppo, many games are fixed no matter the quality (as other similar old contests) .
    King of the Hill is the most bestest, most wonderfulest, most amazingest event of all time.

    My group had six dormant accounts (or at least, they didn't play the event), so I only had to compete with three other teams daily. As a result, I got sixty tokens and the star player playing only around 4 games a day.
    maloukees likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Too many games in a short period of time and this is more for only tankers to reach the emblem en free players..

    For the best is The King of the HIll.......
    pele likes this.

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