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Thread: What poor, high-level clubs do with money

  1. #1
    Addicted Temidayo_'s Avatar
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    What poor, high-level clubs do with money

    I've been wondering how and why some clubs are so poor. I'm a Level 32 manager and my club has a 12.1 billion budget. We're bloody rich. I often check out other teams on the same level and similarly high-level clubs and most of them have budgets in the low billions or even millions. What the hell do they do with all that $$$$$???
    Last edited by Temidayo_; 10-28-2018 at 07:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temidayo_ View Post
    I've been wondering how and why some clubs are so poor. I'm a Level 32 manager and my club has a 12.1 billion budget. We're bloody rich. I often check out other teams on the same level and similarly high-level and most of them have budgets in the low billions or even millions. What the hell do they do with all that $$$$$???
    win bonus active always and retire players in my club so Ive a full squad. Thats why Ive 200M now lol


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Win bonus has my feeling little or no influence on the result....

    always on 0 and before always on max. but I did not notice differences..

    Even the moral boosters do not do anything... every time I 100% boost the moral before a final in the cup or CL I lose and worse players grade for that match
    Temidayo_ and Aku Papua like this.

  4. #4
    Rookie Blast's Avatar
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    Yes totally agree I have win boosts on for last 3 seasons and nada not the slightest difference if anything I'm getting worse results.
    As for moral bonuses...I've had a player on yellow moral in the wrong position get a higher match rating than a player with max moral in correct position, both same %.
    Have also wondered what they do with their money, but guess their ticket prices have not changed for awhile.
    Temidayo_ and maloukees like this.

  5. #5
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    I have all win bonuses max and still make 2-3 B profit per season. I just dont buy players like stupid, maybe thats why. Some guys are with me for their 8th season now.

    Also on my new level 3 account I already have more money and team value than all my competition. Maybe they are just not that active, training players and so on.
    Temidayo_ likes this.

  6. #6
    Rookie pele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Der_Ryan_M View Post
    Some guys are with me for their 8th season now.
    Wow. Are the greens spent worth it to keep the players competitive?

  7. #7
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pele View Post
    Wow. Are the greens spent worth it to keep the players competitive?
    Did some friendlys with these 2, so technically I didn't spend that much greens the last few seasons on them. Normally I train a 18 or 19 year old player from 3-4 stars to 6 1/2 or 7 stars, then with 21 again up to that and then replace him with around 23-24 years old.

    I would not recommend spending greens on players 22 and older, except he is maybe like your best player, then maybe up to 25. Then I would replace, its a waste of greens.
    pele likes this.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temidayo_ View Post
    I've been wondering how and why some clubs are so poor. I'm a Level 32 manager and my club has a 12.1 billion budget. We're bloody rich. I often check out other teams on the same level and similarly high-level clubs and most of them have budgets in the low billions or even millions. What the hell do they do with all that $$$$$???
    You call 13.1B bloody rich? So how about 80B?

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  9. #9
    Addicted Temidayo_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FishFlicks View Post
    You call 13.1B bloody rich? So how about 80B?

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
    Don't be a d*ck. $$ is always relative to club level, unless you're giving nordeus hard-earned cash.