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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Lightbulb 1 > 0


    I noticed that there is a lot of complaining in the forum regarding new events. I don't completely agree with this. I think that every new event gives me an opportunity to get more tokens, players etc. The events are fairly rewarding. One of the last events KOTH and Ghosts helped me to get 7-9 star player the very first time in TE, many tokens and other stuff like greens and blues.

    I think that we should understand the fact that 1>0. If I can earn even 5 tokens in an event I play it. Because 1>0. These events provide us so much opportunity and some of us are neglecting it. For example-

    I recently completed Ghosts event and had INVESTED 113 tokens which gave me such a good return in a period of just 7 days; helping me earn 13tokens, 2 great players (will sell one of them at the end of the season), 30 rests, 20 blues. I feel this is a time well spent on this event. Now lets just calculate how much of all this would have cost us. 7-8 star player with special ability 25-30 tokens + at least 100 rests. Wow we just saved that much by playing 2/3 matches each day for 7 days. Isn't this good? What if there was no event like this? We would had stayed at same place that we were 7 days ago.

    KOTH gave me many tokens and 8 star player. I know that it was too demanding so I first read my opponents that how much is the possibility of me winning the event and then I acted accordingly. Even in this KOTH I invested a few tokens to get me winning it. And I did win.
    The autumn leaf challenge was difficult one. I got 2 troll results at the very start so I didnt used tokens as I thought that it would be a waste of precious tokens.

    So i think that we have to figure out what the challenge is demanding(tokens or trolls ) and act accordingly. Keeping in mind 1>0
    Look for the opportunity and go all in. Patience is also very important factor. See what others are experiencing or make another account just for testing purpose(i haven't created such an account though).

    Now talking about bugs, trolls, bot teams having super powers, bla bla bla bla -
    if u are facing such an issue then the best solution is don't waste tokens or greens. thats as simply as that. and don't curse or complain because it isn't about the game it is about YOU. It is about you playing the game. Tell me how do you feel when someone curses you on your faults? Yes if you know you are wrong you will realize your mistake but how does it make you feel? Okay, tell me how often are you able to correct your children or spouse or friends by complaining or scolding them? Same goes with the people behind support in Noredus.

    Now don't take me wrong. If you find some bug or unique issue do create awareness about it in the forum or support and do this by first thanking them for creating a game like TE and then stating your problem. This is wayyyyy more better than cursing them(developers/nordeus) and then asking them to correct your thing as if they(developers/nordeus) owe you something.

    P.S. these are just my thoughts and opinion. You are entitled to your opinion and I deeply respect it.
    Last edited by Hunter; 11-15-2018 at 06:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    Do not compare KOTH with Ghosts.
    The second was a fail, maybe on purpose to take the reward of the first back.
    Also, how do you explain that they changed the daily option of albums to weekly.
    Because they were giving to many tokens free.
    Last edited by Ποσιδονας; 11-05-2018 at 12:53 PM.
    Hunter and Barfly99 like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Totally agree with you,

    We must be thankful for a great game and it depens on us how we play.
    Hunter likes this.

  4. #4
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
    Agree with the prices ok , but the Main Problem for me is the "Engine", we are not against trolls match (better call it unlucky match ) but the way we get trolled is not realistic, ex. you 7 shots vs bot oppo 14 shots, you 60+ ball possesion , so how the hell he managed to shot twice than me ?, or other examples shot eff% more for bots even with weaker team. etcc..
    Last edited by IImaestroII; 11-05-2018 at 01:33 PM.

    “Football is born in the brain, not in the body"

  5. #5
    Dreamer a.gavrilin's Avatar
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    Guys, you are totally wrong here. Most of us don't blame the supporters for the events they bring. The problem is not in the events. Anyway, if you don't like the event you can simply skip it and don't waste your time or tokens. But the problem is that each event or each update ruins the previous balance of the game, brings new bugs and glitches which destroy your everyday game process (like league, cup, etc.). And most of the bugs and problems remain for a long time. For example this season the number of troll or random results increased greatly. If previously it was some 2-3 match per season now it is some 6 or 7 results. And don't tell me it's my fault or I do smth wrong - it is really silly when you lose 3-5 playing against the bot from the last place of the league 45% lower than you who in previous 10 matches scored only 5 goals. Or when your team with great def. gets 25 goals in 10 league matches against much lower opponents and only 5 goals in 12 cup+ch.league matches against equal opponents.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    Do not compare KOTH with Ghosts.
    It is not about comparing brother/sister. Its about how you respond to the given events. Keeping in mind your bugs/trolls and of course 1>0 .

    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    Also, how do you explain that they changed the daily option of albums to weekly.
    It comes down to perspective.
    I don't know why they did that but at least you have the opportunity once a week. What if you don't have this event at all? What if the International Cup was the only event for national team? Then no tokens. ZERO.
    Although I don't like their decision at all and Being grateful for that is better.

    Hope you get my pov. I am not blindly supporting every decision of Nordeus cuz I can't control that but I can control my response to it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by IImaestroII View Post
    Agree with the prices ok , but the Main Problem for me is the "Engine", we are not against trolls match (better call it unlucky match ) but they way get trolled is not realistic, ex. you 7 shots vs bot oppo 14 shots, you 60+ ball possesion , so how the hell he managed to shot twice than me ?, or other examples shot eff% more for bots even with weaker team. etcc..
    Totally agree with u. The engine sucks many times. We all face that kind of thing.

    I just wanted to draw the attention towards the fact that at this particular moment the opportunity to earn tokens is the best. When I started playing TE there weren't so many events that bring to us big rewards(along with bugs lol).
    Last edited by Hunter; 11-05-2018 at 01:51 PM.
    maloukees likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by a.gavrilin View Post
    Guys, you are totally wrong here. Most of us don't blame the supporters for the events they bring. The problem is not in the events. Anyway, if you don't like the event you can simply skip it and don't waste your time or tokens. But the problem is that each event or each update ruins the previous balance of the game, brings new bugs and glitches which destroy your everyday game process (like league, cup, etc.). And most of the bugs and problems remain for a long time. For example this season the number of troll or random results increased greatly. If previously it was some 2-3 match per season now it is some 6 or 7 results. And don't tell me it's my fault or I do smth wrong - it is really silly when you lose 3-5 playing against the bot from the last place of the league 45% lower than you who in previous 10 matches scored only 5 goals. Or when your team with great def. gets 25 goals in 10 league matches against much lower opponents and only 5 goals in 12 cup+ch.league matches against equal opponents.
    Yes there are increased number of such cases but it is what it is. We can inform the devs here or at support to maybe slow down a little bit and take time to correct previous issues and bugs or be more diligent in making new ones.

    And its not your fault. Sometimes Real Madrid also lose to weaker team or just decide to tank and Man United sucks (joking lol ). I think that the engine is not that stable as much as we all expect it to be.

    I meant that keep informing the devs about bugs and don't take losing due to these bugs/trolls/bad luck too seriously. After all this just a game.

  9. #9
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    @Hunter, I started this contest by giving to my basic team double blue packs so to have a superb preparation.
    The morale of my players dropped again and then gave more.
    I finished the 3rd round and got a 5* player useless for my team.
    Then I bought some tickets because I got trolled from bot teams.
    Then I could not play because there was a bug
    and today my 3 tickets was exchanged by 3 blue packs.
    So, for me it was 0<1
    Barfly99 likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    @Hunter, I started this contest by giving to my basic team double blue packs so to have a superb preparation.
    The morale of my players dropped again and then gave more.
    I finished the 3rd round and got a 5* player useless for my team.
    Then I bought some tickets because I got trolled from bot teams.
    Then I could not play because there was a bug
    and today my 3 tickets was exchanged by 3 blue packs.
    So, for me it was 0<1
    Thats pretty bad though. I can understand your frustration level. Like you my friends too were a victim of the bugs.
    Morale thing happened with me too Like you I too got trolled by bot teams many times.
    But I bought tickets worth 113 tokens completed the event on the very last day. I waited till the 2nd last day to buy tickets reading everything going on in forum. And then went all in on the 2nd last and last day.

    For everyone 1>0 will work because it is a universal law. Maybe you were unlucky this time.
    Last edited by Hunter; 11-05-2018 at 02:07 PM.

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