I noticed that there is a lot of complaining in the forum regarding new events. I don't completely agree with this. I think that every new event gives me an opportunity to get more tokens, players etc. The events are fairly rewarding. One of the last events KOTH and Ghosts helped me to get 7-9 star player the very first time in TE, many tokens and other stuff like greens and blues.
I think that we should understand the fact that 1>0. If I can earn even 5 tokens in an event I play it. Because 1>0. These events provide us so much opportunity and some of us are neglecting it. For example-
I recently completed Ghosts event and had INVESTED 113 tokens which gave me such a good return in a period of just 7 days; helping me earn 13tokens, 2 great players (will sell one of them at the end of the season), 30 rests, 20 blues. I feel this is a time well spent on this event. Now lets just calculate how much of all this would have cost us. 7-8 star player with special ability 25-30 tokens + at least 100 rests. Wow we just saved that much by playing 2/3 matches each day for 7 days. Isn't this good? What if there was no event like this? We would had stayed at same place that we were 7 days ago.
KOTH gave me many tokens and 8 star player. I know that it was too demanding so I first read my opponents that how much is the possibility of me winning the event and then I acted accordingly. Even in this KOTH I invested a few tokens to get me winning it. And I did win.
The autumn leaf challenge was difficult one. I got 2 troll results at the very start so I didnt used tokens as I thought that it would be a waste of precious tokens.
So i think that we have to figure out what the challenge is demanding(tokens or trolls) and act accordingly. Keeping in mind 1>0
Look for the opportunity and go all in. Patience is also very important factor. See what others are experiencing or make another account just for testing purpose(i haven't created such an account though).
Now talking about bugs, trolls, bot teams having super powers, bla bla bla bla -
if u are facing such an issue then the best solution is don't waste tokens or greens. thats as simply as that. and don't curse or complain because it isn't about the game it is about YOU. It is about you playing the game. Tell me how do you feel when someone curses you on your faults? Yes if you know you are wrong you will realize your mistake but how does it make you feel? Okay, tell me how often are you able to correct your children or spouse or friends by complaining or scolding them? Same goes with the people behind support in Noredus.
Now don't take me wrong. If you find some bug or unique issue do create awareness about it in the forum or support and do this by first thanking them for creating a game like TE and then stating your problem. This is wayyyyy more better than cursing them(developers/nordeus) and then asking them to correct your thing as if they(developers/nordeus) owe you something.
P.S. these are just my thoughts and opinion. You are entitled to your opinion and I deeply respect it.