if you think/know that having a limit injured players maybe you can explain how the injury server works to figure out a good manager can prevent from happening that (more then 4 injured players is way unrealistic and does not provide a healthy game) ?
before a smart mod post here "to the vent thread" i would like to say one single problem i noticed today :
i got to favorite like 5 players top quality to watch how bid goes and for my surprise a random player
(Milan) bid on all that players ,
nothing wrong or bad right ? , but after winning two players and engaging to a bid war on the 3rd player ... i was thinking he brought tokens recently ... he got 3 players from what i saw on auction and i am 100% sure !
Now can any mod/smart guy explain me why does only 1 player from the 3 recently brought show up in his team ?
do not reply with bull**** like : he exceeded the limit of players / it`s your eye half blind