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Thread: Triple Crown = Free Pizza

  1. #71
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Don't make this man poor. lol

    He got ahead of himself.
    khris likes this.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    Those who have got their reward acknowledge it in this thread. I think that would be great for @TheWhiteKirby.
    Better still if another thread was opened where he could be thanked?

  3. #73
    Champion madflo19's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    United Kingdom
    Let's give him a pizza each of us for the pizza thread lol
    maloukees likes this.

    A.C. MILAN LEGENDS-Team Showcase
    Season 45,lvl 43(24 trebles)

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Dreamland, USA
    Guys i do plan to order pizzas its just my girlfriend and I's anniversary weekend coming up so I was going to 1. Wait until my league started for everyone to have enough time to prove and pm me and 2. Get a list and organize who wants what and everything and 3. Make sure this doesn't leave me broke before i buy dinner, hotel, etc. Those who have PMd me i got it even if i didnt respond. Please have patience

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
    Hunter, khris and Mihai Razvan like this.
    The Warpstars - League Level 25 - Club Record: 746W - 120D - 146L
    Goals Scored: 3094 Goals Against: 863
    Club History
    11 League Trophies: 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,17,18,19,24 | 6 Runner-Up: 2,6,11,13,16, 20
    2 Cup Trophies: 5,7 | 4 Runner-Up: 10,17,19,24
    0 Super League Trophies: | 0 Runner-Up:
    3 Champion's League Trophies: 2,10,22 | 4 Runner-Up: 8,12,19,24
    0 Triple Crowns:

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Ok! Taking me out from your schedule.

    I was damn sure that this would happen when you have to keep your promise(s)!

    No probz! Thanks anyway!
    (data collecting @ pms? )

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    At least we had fun

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Dreamland, USA
    Ok guys, so my season started 2 days ago, but I am feeling generous as only four people followed directions and PMd me that they won. So I am giving other people who won the challenge TWO MORE DAYS (1/9/2019)-(1/11/2019) to follow directions and PM me your choice of prize. Yes, you may have posted it here but I want to be able to get addresses, zip codes, etc in private so you don't get identity theft or something. To those who followed directions, I will discuss deliveries next week after me and my girlfriend enjoy a romantic weekend in a King Size Hotel Suite with 5 star sushi and indoor jacuzzi . In the winners list I put what prize I either assume or was told. If you have a change of heart or if I got anything incorrect, let me know before the two day extension deadline I set or your prize listed will be your prize received.

    Winners: GabezTah (Pizza), Hunter (Official Item), maloukees (Official Item), Mihai Razvan (Unknown so far defaults to pizza), PricopGeorgeCatalin (Pizza).

    Winners that need to PM me or risk getting absolutely nothing: edisonmartins, Lagloriosa, ZeekLTK.

    If you think I have missed you, reply with the quoted message you posted earlier saying you won on this thread. If you waited this long to respond to this thread and happened to get a triple crown last season (season 113), sorry, but you missed out
    Last edited by TheWhiteKirby; 01-10-2019 at 07:09 AM.
    The Warpstars - League Level 25 - Club Record: 746W - 120D - 146L
    Goals Scored: 3094 Goals Against: 863
    Club History
    11 League Trophies: 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,17,18,19,24 | 6 Runner-Up: 2,6,11,13,16, 20
    2 Cup Trophies: 5,7 | 4 Runner-Up: 10,17,19,24
    0 Super League Trophies: | 0 Runner-Up:
    3 Champion's League Trophies: 2,10,22 | 4 Runner-Up: 8,12,19,24
    0 Triple Crowns:

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    17,000 - 16,992 ?
    Pretty good……

  9. #79
    Apprentice Mihai Razvan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    I think it's much cheap for you official item, in Norway a good pizza it's around 30€ ))

    Trimis de pe al meu SM-G950F folosind Tapatalk

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Freiburg, Germany
    Saw this thread too late ^^ I came back last season and already the next was a huge success. It´s my second triple crown and I´m manager level 12 It´s definitely possible, you just need some luck. In CL group stage I almost didn´t make it, but nvm, here it is

    Triple Crown = Free Pizza-screenshot_2019-01-12-20-09-30.jpg
    maloukees likes this.

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