Originally Posted by
Not falling for it anymore Top 11.
I have been playing this game now for many years and am at manager level 65. During that time I have on occasion bought some tokens to strengthen my squad and be competitive but never enough to dominate as I like to apply strategic skill.
A couple of seasons ago after a loss, as part of the after match comments you apply, you used (for the first time in my experience) the suggestion: 'let's make a pledge to strengthen the squad'. After a subsequent series of surprising losses to weaker teams I foolishly did buy some tokens to strengthen my squad and results improved but on reflection I believe this to be due to Top 11's manipulation rather than new players as my squad was stronger than my winning opponents anyway, I always train to a maximum of 10 and watch videos to ensure I have superb condition status and morale.
This season, Top 11 have attempted the manipulation again by repeating the 'let's pledge to strengthen the squad' comment and as I haven't done so, surprise, surprise I am again losing to much weaker opposition that are unsupported and do not even have manager attendance.
I have played the game long enough now to identify the various differences between expected logical loss numbers, simple dominance in team strength and balance of Top 11 to ensure that the game generates a reasonable return to warrant a gaming business.
So, just to let you know Top 11, I will not be 'making a pledge to strengthen my squad' but most definitely have made a pledge to never buy any tokens ever again. Your manipulative attempt has resulted in an own goal I'm afraid!