What is your philosophy on arrows? Who do you send forward, make stay back, keep neutral and for what reasons?
I run a 2-3-4-1, 2 DCs at the back, DL, DMC, DR making the 3 line that I nicknamed "the moat", 2 AMCs, AML, AMR making the 4 line or "the web", and my single ST up top. I have my DCs and DMC stay back and be defensive, my DMC being the most important as the catalyst for counter attacks. And everyone else is flying forward. With 7 players going all out on attack, from all different angles, it seems as if opponents have trouble containing and countering my team. Ever since the update, my team has seemed to operate pretty nicely. No more games where we can't seem to get anything started. I even get to enjoy some impressive possession and ball control as we move down the pitch toward their goal. What is your philosophy with arrows and how has that been working for you since the update?