View Poll Results: Bring back Relegation with -20% Q for ALL

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  • Yes

    23 69.70%
  • No

    10 30.30%
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Thread: Bring back Relegation Campaign ( with -20% Q for ALL)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Bratislava, Slovakia
    I voted NO. Idea is good but in the dreamland. I bet you dont buy tokens, FA teams do. So they pay wages of nordeus employees, not you. This will never happen. If you want to have fair competition, go to play FM 2019, pretty good game, I like it too

  2. #12
    Rookie pele's Avatar
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    Jun 2018
    I agree in principle. However, 20% is too high. Players invest time and/or money to get to their current level, so such a massive drop would discourage the real players from playing. Keep in mind, tankers only reside in the upper levels of the associations, and there are probably only several hundred (or at most, a couple of thousand) of them. So the punishment should not negatively affect many more genuine players.

    That aside, I particularly hate tankers who manipulate league results. Yesterday, my 115% team was beaten by a 144% tanker, who had earlier contrived to lose against my opponents. As a result, I dropped to second in my league. Today, I'm playing against another 137% tanker.

    Desmondd likes this.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirrowka View Post
    I voted NO. Idea is good but in the dreamland. I bet you dont buy tokens, FA teams do. So they pay wages of nordeus employees, not you. This will never happen. If you want to have fair competition, go to play FM 2019, pretty good game, I like it too
    dissagre with you, played few games where top cashers baned from them because they manipulate game events for taking unfair advantage to other players, that games still exist though, some of them even incresed number of new players, no one wants to be discriminated just because they cant or dont want spend serious money for playing half hour on day

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Bratislava, Slovakia
    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    dissagre with you, played few games where top cashers baned from them because they manipulate game events for taking unfair advantage to other players, that games still exist though, some of them even incresed number of new players, no one wants to be discriminated just because they cant or dont want spend serious money for playing half hour on day
    I understand you mate, no worries. The thing is since Nordeus made it harder to rise your Q player once it reaches 140% ... 20% is a huge drop... imagine how many greens you need to spend to get a player from 140 to 160% ... and after one season all the effort is gone ? If they go for this option, lots of people will leave the game, simple as that. I was expecting to improve FA feature in some way not to see these top 100 asso teams there... it take all the fun and believe that this game one day will be fair for everyone. Its not and it will never be .... like in real life .... its not fair or is it ?

  5. #15
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    Tanking should be limited in some way. The easiest way is league trophy become more valuable (rewards in tokens and greens), but punishing of tankers will be more satisfying for me lol
    Exactly, but nordeus is making the opposite.
    They replaced the reward of 15 tokens for the top scorer with 15 greens - lol

  6. #16
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirrowka View Post
    I understand you mate, no worries. The thing is since Nordeus made it harder to rise your Q player once it reaches 140% ... 20% is a huge drop... imagine how many greens you need to spend to get a player from 140 to 160% ... and after one season all the effort is gone ? If they go for this option, lots of people will leave the game, simple as that. I was expecting to improve FA feature in some way not to see these top 100 asso teams there... it take all the fun and believe that this game one day will be fair for everyone. Its not and it will never be .... like in real life .... its not fair or is it ?
    I do not understand what will help removing of top 100 asso teams against tankers. More of them even is not in Platinum and definitely are not in top 100. I think that no more than 10% of tankers are in top 100. My server is full with ****** tankers who even have not association in gold 1 division.

  7. #17
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    I bet you dont buy tokens, FA teams do.
    I don't think so, but top100 teams are farming like crazy, to create mutants
    and have 30-40-50 or more accounts for tricks.
    Which is also useful for nordeus.

  8. #18
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    Exactly, but nordeus is making the opposite.
    They replaced the reward of 15 tokens for the top scorer with 15 greens - lol
    10 greens lol

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirrowka View Post
    I understand you mate, no worries. The thing is since Nordeus made it harder to rise your Q player once it reaches 140% ... 20% is a huge drop... imagine how many greens you need to spend to get a player from 140 to 160% ... and after one season all the effort is gone ? If they go for this option, lots of people will leave the game, simple as that. I was expecting to improve FA feature in some way not to see these top 100 asso teams there... it take all the fun and believe that this game one day will be fair for everyone. Its not and it will never be .... like in real life .... its not fair or is it ?
    personaly i dont have anything against cashers, every game depend on them, and there is one slight change that can give small balance, asso points drop after season is too high, if they lower it at least in 10% so you dont need to win 2-3 tournaments just to stay in division, especialy if you manage to enter with few points over the line that will give chance to get serious tokens for improving teams, if 20% drop is too big for relegated tankers than it is even more for those who play and strive to higher division in asso
    jarharnamme likes this.

  10. #20
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    I do not understand what will help removing of top 100 asso teams against tankers. More of them even is not in Platinum and definitely are not in top 100. I think that no more than 10% of tankers are in top 100. My server is full with ****** tankers who even have not association in gold 1 division.
    I don't know but before associations it was very rare to see a good but tanking on purpose team.
    For sure those (many of them fake-double) google accounts affect that as at the old days, there were only fb accounts.
    Also this bad auctions system.
    You could built a whole new squad with 35 tokens and now this is the cost of a 18 y.o. MC or ST
    jarharnamme likes this.

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