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Thread: Season 20% Loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Season 20% Loss

    I still don't get the end of year 20% loss. So season 20 I'm 100 (155) then season 21 I start 80%??
    (155). I guess im not training enough to gain the 20% back. How do you gain over 20% each season? Looking for suggestions. Let me guess buy rests and coins... Thanks.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Blau1971 View Post
    I still don't get the end of year 20% loss. So season 20 I'm 100 (155) then season 21 I start 80%??
    (155). I guess im not training enough to gain the 20% back. How do you gain over 20% each season? Looking for suggestions. Let me guess buy rests and coins... Thanks.
    Exact, as:
    100% = (155) so the 5* is 150

    and after a level the distance of the star is +5, so 5* at +1 level, is 155 points, next level, 160avq, then 165 etc