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Thread: When will it stop ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    When will it stop ?


    I come here to talk about my experience in this game but mostly to ask you and the developers what's going on right now with the game engine ?

    To put things in context, I'm level 27 and i play this game for 28 seasons (I will explain why the -1). I'm not only a weekend player, i spend about 2 hours a day playing. In EVERY morning and before EVERY match, I prepare my team for a 10% bonus and maximum of moral and stamina. I'm online at EVERY match, I have LEGAL and BALANCED formation, I always train hard and MANUALLY my players with green packs, I ONLY buy 2 or 3 players FROM THE MARKET and sometimes 1 from recommended player when my players get old (more than 23). To conclude, I do things as well as possible since 2 years now.

    In the beginning, things were going well. I won a lot of titles and I managed to keep my team at 120 quality and you can see with the next screenshot, i won many titles and at least 1 per season which is ok for me.

    Then when i reach the 16-17 level, things have become much harder, not because i was weaker than the other, but because I started to be EACH EVERY SEASON with a guy who just buy 11 prospected players almost all seasons. I think he only used his green pack to push on the maximum one recommended player sometimes but that's all. I was always better than him with a better quality average but i ALMOST NEVER beat him in 10 seasons. Maybe because he spend a lot of real money to get tokens and buy all this prospected player ? But surely not because he was better. I did everything I can to beat him, same formation with always better quality, perfect counter formation, ultra defensive/offensive formation, different setups, i try all the possible combinations... Useless.

    Then I decided to stay voluntarily in the same league for one season to leave him playe alone. I used this "fake" season to push all my young players at a very good quality average, about 150-160 and now I managed to stay with a 135-140 quality team EACH season, without any tokens, only with good management of my team, training and green packs.
    But since that time, my results are just a joke. I'm ALWAYS the best of my league (with quality average) but in 3 seasons, I only win one title and this was only the Cup and the WORST started this season. Lets see for a recent example with a league match today again poor quality team :

    When will it stop ?-screenshot_20190221-113216.jpg

    As you can see, I'm far better than him with 30% better quality, i was ONLINE and not him, i played with a BALANCED formation and he plays with a weird AML AMC ST in front, and what happened ? Just look at that, this is funny :

    When will it stop ?-screenshot_20190221-113624.jpg
    When will it stop ?-screenshot_20190221-113630.jpg

    What can we say ? How to explain it ? Well... This is just impossible. Not online. Early red card. **** statistics and ohhh, HE WON ! Ahahah.

    BUT the funniest thing is I have the same problems with him since the star of season.

    Lets see an other example (among SO MANY others) with a different player :

    When will it stop ?-screenshot_20190221-114255.jpg
    When will it stop ?-screenshot_20190221-114328.jpg
    When will it stop ?-screenshot_20190221-114336.jpg

    Again, what can we say ? Nothing. Nobody can explain that. BUT the FUNNIEST THING is after that 1st leg I was so upset that i made 3 stupid changes and put ALL MY PLAYERS on one side of the filled and oh, GUESS WHAT ? He didn't score more goals. So, Nordeus just telling me that nothing change between the moment i play with legal formation and the moment i play with TOTALLY illegal ans stupid formation.

    I'm sorry but this is full of ****. I can give you dozens more examples but the result is the same. This game engine, and maybe this game in general is totally ****ed up.

    So now, tell me, WHAT DO I DO WRONG ? I just CAN'T do more. The ONLY thing I don't do, never done it and never would, is to paid real money on the game. Maybe this is the reason ? Because I don't see any other. I'm really working hard for this game, I've all this tokens just with buying-train-reasale young players for tokens this make me a lot of times, I train my team every day, I've always 10% bonus, I'm always there, my guys are always at their best form... SO WHAT ?

    I'm fighting at this moment to stay at the top 4 of my league with -20% quality teams in front of me while according to the game I'm supposed to be "VERY FAVORITE" -> I never won against them this season yet.

    If someone know something, just tell me. Because I don't understand anything. I won more titles by being less strong than today and against the same king of opponent. This is just crazy...
    Last edited by Joe67; 02-21-2019 at 11:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    Unfortunately this is all too common in the game these days. I have started to not log in for games and I'm actually winning more than losing. I prefer when the other manager watches because then I feel there is less chance of getting trolled.
    We have seen many examples like yours especially since the 2019 update. Previously it would happen maybe once per season but now it seems to be more common than ever.
    I dread playing teams with -20, -30 etc because the stats always show the oppo GK becomes Buffon, the oppo usually has a player sent off, you usually concede in the first 5 minutes, your star player cannot hit a barn door and every FK goes wide. You see crazy stats with shots on target etc.
    Yep, we've all experienced this. It has been pushed to the Devs.
    khris and Altiplano like this.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Thanks for your answer. Crazy (not just only troll) results like that happens indeed much more often.
    But, can you tell me for sure that it has nothing to do with the fact of paying or not in the game ? I don't think so, because it's linked. And it's easily provable : someone who just buy prospected player (with tokens he bought with real money) is just unbeatable, no matter how good and better you are and no matter what you do.
    dave1311 likes this.

  4. #4
    Dreamer a.gavrilin's Avatar
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    Yeah, mate, unfortunately recenty this game became a crap. I already wrote dozens of times here showing some crazy trolling examples. And unfortunately the stats really changed a lot from autumn - previously we had 1-2 troll results and now 7-8 and devs actually do nothing to improve it.

    Well I really propose to rename the game from top11 to TROLL11 as it better shows the current state of the game.
    milpol and Epix like this.

  5. #5
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    I can say that the game decides before the match starts who will be the winner. It's 99% .

    Tiger FC level 1
    For official in-game help please refer to Top Eleven Support here.
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  6. #6
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    +1 for Troll11

    I think developers don't say anything because everything is already know. They want to make money with their game (which is fair), but they have to say it loud and clear. They can make premium option or whatever but WE MUST KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT. Instead they make lose the big teams that get to be strong without paying to make them pay, that's all. And THAT is unfair because some players spend big time on this game for nothing because they don't want to pay.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    I'm having the same problem. From last season where I ended in 2nd in all competitions, I'm now 13rd in my league where only 3 teams are better than mine. I watch all my games (and I really mean ALL games) and already played so many games against weaker teams with no manager watching and I can't win (yesterday I lost at home agaisnt a weaker team that had a player sent off at 35' - they managed to score after the sent off!). I tried all possible tactics and it is useless...

  8. #8
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    And the winner word is.... "rollback".

    Don't read this, I go on my own. lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe67 View Post
    Thanks for your answer. Crazy (not just only troll) results like that happens indeed much more often.
    But, can you tell me for sure that it has nothing to do with the fact of paying or not in the game ? I don't think so, because it's linked. And it's easily provable : someone who just buy prospected player (with tokens he bought with real money) is just unbeatable, no matter how good and better you are and no matter what you do.
    Hi Joe
    I am one of those tokens buyer
    Had my fair share of troll results as well
    Last season and this season- my team out of the cup competitions.
    For me - no expectations = no frustrations
    I had tried some bizarre ways to fool the game engine
    Currently my method is to avoid difference in quality percentages in even numbers
    E.g.- my team quality is 120%. If my opponents are even numbers difference ( 2, 4, 6, 8 etc) - I will try to lower my quality down or up to odd numbers. This has worked for me so far.
    To test my theory - play friendlies matches with lower quality teams in even numbers - all lost. In odd numbers - on winning streak
    Really bizarre right?😁🤣
    Last edited by Chai; 02-21-2019 at 05:19 PM. Reason: More info

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    Unfortunately this is all too common in the game these days. I have started to not log in for games and I'm actually winning more than losing. I prefer when the other manager watches because then I feel there is less chance of getting trolled.
    We have seen many examples like yours especially since the 2019 update. Previously it would happen maybe once per season but now it seems to be more common than ever.
    I dread playing teams with -20, -30 etc because the stats always show the oppo GK becomes Buffon, the oppo usually has a player sent off, you usually concede in the first 5 minutes, your star player cannot hit a barn door and every FK goes wide. You see crazy stats with shots on target etc.
    Yep, we've all experienced this. It has been pushed to the Devs.
    yes, we've all experienced crap like this. but you know something is wrong when you lose 1-2, oppo scores 2 goals from 3 shots, and my ratings are straight 8. even his scorers were rated 7. i mean, wtf dude??? nothing makes sense anymore. how can i lose 2-1 and all my defenders are rated 8? and his entire team only 5 and 6. he won ffs! this game is screwed up beyond repairing. i don't think something good is going to happen very soon. we just have to sit and watch our teams struggle with any single team we play against.
    Last edited by funker; 02-21-2019 at 05:38 PM.

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