View Poll Results: Are negotiations permanently over ?

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  • Negotiations are over. I would never buy a player last week of the season .

    86 86.87%
  • I might by a player with nego, even the last week.

    5 5.05%
  • I don't care, never bothered with negotiations.

    8 8.08%
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Thread: Negotiations are over ?

  1. #1
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Negotiations are over ?

    Negotiations are over ?
    I believe yes, after this change

    Negotiations Window
    From the upcoming season, direct transfers through Negotiations will only be available during the last week of a season. The Negotiations Window will be open from the 22nd to the 28th day of a Season. Making or receiving offers for players will not be possible outside of the window.
    Who ever bought a player the last week of the season unless he stayed in the same level ?

    Buying players for some training and then selling through negotiations, was giving few extra tokens to active manahers.
    Now is gone.
    alireza likes this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    i think it might do some good.
    sth like this will make nego more difficult to obtain new players.
    so maybe its time to invest in older players or try to keep the young ones for more than 3 years.
    hope this transition goes smoothly.

  3. #3
    Dreamer jcohen42's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, USA
    My big issue is that Nordeus did this without having a replacement ready. Instead Auctions prices will get even more inflated. The markets will essentially have been completely ruined. I get what they're trying to do, but it should be easy to detect suspicious activity coming from the same hostname or IP address. Instead they're ruining the market for everyone.

    Keep in mind that people didn't need the Negotiations tab as much when the old Auction system was in, because you could actually buy players for cheap...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Does that mean now the best you can get is 79% and 19 years at the price of a 18yo 99%?
    Last edited by Lagloriosa; 02-22-2019 at 02:07 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Lagloriosa View Post
    Does that mean now the best you can get is 79% and 19 years at the price of a 18yo 99%?
    more or less, i buyed 4 players on negotiation in 21 season i played, but making it in last week only is maddness

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    Negotiations are over ?
    I believe yes, after this change

    Who ever bought a player the last week of the season unless he stayed in the same level ?

    Buying players for some training and then selling through negotiations, was giving few extra tokens to active manahers.
    Now is gone.
    Did buy a couple of seasons ago when obvious I was not going to get promoted - finished 9th - then still got promoted lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    The answer is absolutely yes. I was hoping to sell a couple players in the beginning of the next season, in fact I even rejected a few offers (3T) because I believed I would get better offers next season

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Wow, I can't believe what am seeing! For God's sake what is Nordeous doing? Come on, Do you guys want to loose more managers and cause more teams to be abandoned. Please I beg you this is not a matter of development reviewing and time taking of your decisions, Please if you don't want me to stop playing this game then reverse that decision that negotiation feature would be available only at the last week (Negotiation Transfer Window) of the season. No, no, no, no one would want to purchase a player that would loose 20% = 1 Star at the end of the season!!! Would you???
    Why not at the beginning of the season (1st week, day 1-7) when managers and transfer is very very active. If you think am the only one against this decision you might as well check the forum and the comments of managers concerning the announcement. Most of them are treatening to leave the game am not gonna play a game that there would be no one to compete with.
    For God's sake this is the best way managers interact in the game and you guys have succeeded in discourage managers from using the platform.
    This is the dumbest idea I've ever seen! Take quick action now and reverse the decision to 1st week for the Negotiation Transfer Feature. Please I beg you guys. Please people spend their money and resources on this game directly and indirectly.

    Very Bad!!! I am fully disappointed.
    lespa likes this.

  9. #9
    Apprentice Francicic01's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    damn it, i basically just use the negotiations tab to buy players, for very few tokens........ now i've to spend x5 the price in the auctions...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Just to prevent upselling, this is joke, seriously silly.

    They could add some limit for a player,allow only one move per season or forever.

    They ruin the game, im no upseller and i just have one team, but always sell and help my friends by selling them good player , and help my assoc team, especially member that have lack reso and time

    By only allow one move or limit player move per season is not that bad and fair, usually them upseller move their player more than once, only for making a player grey skill reduced to - 1%. Moving only one time will not making a player grey skill reduced to - 1%.

    They ruin everything, usually i get 10 token by selling player at the beginning of season.. but now? Maybe no. Thank you Nordeus, no token for top scorer and now these, game become so cheap nowadays.
    Last edited by Flow; 02-23-2019 at 03:27 AM.

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