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Thread: Stupid question about retirement age

  1. #1
    VFK is offline
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    Stupid question about retirement age

    I have a 30 year player who will "retire in 2 seasons". What does "in" mean, the beginning or the end of the season in question?

    So, will my player retire after next season or the following? In other words, is he still in my squad the season when he's 32? I've played since 2012 and somehow don't know this.
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  2. #2
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Yes, he will retire at the end of the season that he is 32yo.

    The retirement age thing is getting ridiculous - previously I had players retiring at 34, but recently they've all been giving up at 32. In the case of my MCs that's probably because they've all been injured or cautioned/sent-off so many times...
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  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    You will almost certainly get a message in the game saying he will delay his retirement for one more season.
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  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    You will almost certainly get a message in the game saying he will delay his retirement for one more season.
    30 years + 2 contract years means this one +, next season when he have 31, then the retirement age once you renew the contract will be between the end of the season when he have 32 years till 34, and the contract can be extended year to year once the definitive retirement age is set.

    **I mean, the "contract years, count the actual season, so when say 1 year, means this season and then in this case you'll have 7 days once next season starts to renew the contract.

  5. #5
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    32 yo player set to retire extends his own contract!!!

    I got a message when logging on today that my 32 yo Legendary striker has decided to take a one year contract extension rather than retire. How is this possible?

    I wanted him to retire. He has beeen a great player but at 32 he no longer is the player he once was. I am carrying him and another 32 yo because I wanted them to retire with dignity without me transferring them off some where. Now I have two dead spots on my roster for an additional year.

    Is the game really programmed to just extend players as it sees fit?

  6. #6
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    My 2 star 35 legend still has great performances on his and my last season. I think the secret is to keep playing him regularly. This way another player does not take his place as the designated playerbin that position. Usually legends still have legendary skills in attack even if their overall is low.

  7. #7
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by julien12 View Post
    I got a message when logging on today that my 32 yo Legendary striker has decided to take a one year contract extension rather than retire. How is this possible?

    I wanted him to retire. He has beeen a great player but at 32 he no longer is the player he once was. I am carrying him and another 32 yo because I wanted them to retire with dignity without me transferring them off some where. Now I have two dead spots on my roster for an additional year.

    Is the game really programmed to just extend players as it sees fit?
    Sell them to a lower level team and let them have 1 year Swan-song.

    I let 2 of my legends go last season, both 32yo. They then became 5* to the lower level team I sold them to, I friended him so I can see their progress. Brilliant stats both of them so the new team got 1 season out of 2 legends.
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  8. #8
    Apprentice Kelpie Grant's Avatar
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    I cant believe people still have old players on their list ,turn 23 at my club and your gone no matter how good you have been. I just dont have the greens to spend getting an "old man" up to the level needed.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    Sell them to a lower level team and let them have 1 year Swan-song.

    I let 2 of my legends go last season, both 32yo. They then became 5* to the lower level team I sold them to, I friended him so I can see their progress. Brilliant stats both of them so the new team got 1 season out of 2 legends.
    Did you sell during the last week of the season or is there a way to know who they go to using the normal auction tool?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelpie Grant View Post
    I cant believe people still have old players on their list ,turn 23 at my club and your gone no matter how good you have been. I just dont have the greens to spend getting an "old man" up to the level needed.

    I go by performance to be honest. One of my now 32yo led the team just two seasons ago in goals (and tied the season before that) without any additional training just for him. I had to switch his position but the switch brought goals. My thinking is that the game has hidden designations for some players and they continue to perform even after their skilllevels and ages would say they should not.

    As for the other 32yo while his performance was not as good I noticed that the team seem to play well with him as captain. Again, all I can really measure is that I won several CLs with him as captain. I certainly had better, younger players but the team did not “appear” to play as well as when he was in. So I kept going with a hot thing.

    Now neither of them outperforms their teammates (not last season either) and they sit.

    Honestly I am not sure the science behind my methods but I do think there are hidden settings. In this season, though I am using the same formation as the last two or three seasons, one of my attacking middies is racking up goals at greater than one per game while the other has completely fallen off. Statistically the one that has dropped off is better than the one on fire. Again, my guess is that some hidden parameter says this is a career year for the one at least. Otherwise I have no way to explain how two players, who have played about the same the last several seasons, all of a sudden have two very different years.

    I assume these hidden player or season settings are something like the random game settings where one moment my team is lighting it up and then against the same team we can't hit the broad side of a barn.

    Would be interested in other player's thoughts on this...

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