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  • 2 Post By Mirrowka
  • 1 Post By drazen vtc
  • 3 Post By talisman
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  • 1 Post By Rizla

Thread: champions league

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    champions league

    I know its against footbal but maybe even if you win cahampions league you have to qualify by finishing minimum 4th for next season, if you tank no champions league for you next season

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Bratislava, Slovakia
    or if you win CL you will move up one level as well ? That would be something LOL LOL LOL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    just add 20-30 tokens in rewards for winning CL and 10-20 for finals and sudenly will be greater commpetetion in leagues as well in group play
    milpol likes this.

  4. #4
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Clevedon, UK
    I'm all for levelling the reward system in Top Eleven.

    Association play: Tokens for Association promoting or staying in same division; tokens for finishing high-up in top 100.
    Others: Game money and a nice shiny trophy.

    What to do
    Take some of the tokens from Associations and spread them among the other competitions.

    New reward system
    20T for winning League, Champions/Super League or Cup. 5T for Super Cup Winner only
    10T/5T for finishing 2nd/3rd

    Promotion as is now, but add if you 'tank' in the League but win one or more of the other competitions you get promoted automatically to a division which contains only other teams which have done the same.

    25T for promoting from Gold-1 to Platinum in Associations, 15T for staying - tapering down for lower Associaiton Divisions.
    25T for top of Top 100, tapering down to 10th.

    Instead of trying to stop the Associations b*gg*ering up the normal competitions by restricting what they can do with their players or teams, make it unattractive to do same by hitting them in the pocket...
    Last edited by talisman; 04-24-2019 at 02:36 PM.
    khris, IImaestroII and Doors FC like this.
    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Bratislava, Slovakia
    Quote Originally Posted by talisman View Post
    I'm all for levelling the reward system in Top Eleven.

    Association play: Tokens for Association promoting or staying in same division; tokens for finishing high-up in top 100.
    Others: Game money and a nice shiny trophy.

    What to do
    Take some of the tokens from Associations and spread them among the other competitions.

    New reward system
    20T for winning League, Champions/Super League or Cup. 5T for Super Cup Winner only
    10T/5T for finishing 2nd/3rd

    Promotion as is now, but add if you 'tank' in the League but win one or more of the other competitions you get promoted automatically to a division which contains only other teams which have done the same.

    25T for promoting from Gold-1 to Platinum in Associations, 15T for staying - tapering down for lower Associaiton Divisions.
    25T for top of Top 100, tapering down to 10th.

    Instead of trying to stop the Associations b*gg*ering up the normal competitions by restricting what they can do with their players or teams, make it unattractive to do same by hitting them in the pocket...
    Yeah, I agree, competitions should be boosted by Tokens while I still dont get it why Platinum gets 100 Tokens ... should be way less than it is now. Then we should get rid of turkish, russian etc ASSO wannabies. They play only for this reason ... and please, get rid of top 100 ASSO ... I dont understand nordeus, that TAB is showing them how poor Nordeus is .... that is their MIRROR of what they did to the game allowing these exploits.

    Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the most stupid of them all ? .... so get rid of that tab and Asso wannabies will disappear as they will have nothing to wank about
    nikolgiorgos likes this.

  6. #6
    Dreamer Rizla's Avatar
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    Mar 2017
    Tanking means that you get no tokens from Asso...nobody tanking for tokens now.
    White skills are not so important now,
    you can only upsale at the end of the season, so mutants are dying.
    Nordeus did make a step forward.
    Doors FC likes this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013
    i've always said to win league there should better rewards, i really think ASSO should be ended and or replaced

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Rizla View Post
    Tanking means that you get no tokens from Asso...nobody tanking for tokens now.
    White skills are not so important now,
    you can only upsale at the end of the season, so mutants are dying.
    Nordeus did make a step forward.
    yeah i agree.the results of these moves will show in 4-5 seasons though.
    sth should be done with manipulating as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    just add 20-30 tokens in rewards for winning CL and 10-20 for finals and sudenly will be greater commpetetion in leagues as well in group play
    Agreed, this is what Ive been trying to say for long time. Some token price for winning the league as well. Just to get ppl care about the league as well instead of only associations.

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