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Thread: Scripted cards - injuries

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Scripted cards - injuries

    As follow up post in reference to GK-frustration post todays laugh a minute scripted league AI game 2-0 down i looked at my GK STATS rating 5.5 right i though lets change this read in post on here sub GK not unreasonable,soon as i did goal back then another 2-2 theory works,but no not when AI really wants you to loose sub GK injured !!!!!!! no other GK in side how ridiculous and madding is that script, you then watch helpless as oppo with absent manager then go on attack rampage with little if any animation highlights for me luckily 2-2 draw at end phew
    how can players hope to compete against real players when more often THAN NOT your battling the GAME AI AND NOT REAL PRESENT MANAGERS you cannot 2nd guess AI computer game when its doing its best not only to bend the normal rules of a football game but to suit its own needs
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 07-04-2019 at 03:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    So you believe the game engine had all that planned before the start?
    I think you're giving the developers a little too much credit....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by gogs67 View Post
    So you believe the game engine had all that planned before the start?
    I think you're giving the developers a little too much credit....
    no not a at all i didn't say that, i created the right script for the Wheel of fortune spinning dice rolling back gammon playing AI engine to injure my sub GKto be honest i do not think the 2-2 result would have been different wether i subbed GK or not

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Today match, assoc.. my best player injury, twice.. well oh, maybe just a bad luck

  5. #5
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Injuries seem to be a thing this season. I’ve had more in the last 7 games than I had all last season.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    yet again this time player sent off and then sub replacement gets injured

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Ai gone mad with injuries and red cards

    What is it this season lets injure as many players as possible and then give red cards in same match?

  8. #8
    VIP Peter Renn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iansyorkcityfc View Post
    What is it this season lets injure as many players as possible and then give red cards in same match?
    Red cards are more of a help than annoying, its annoying if the oponent gets red card. The 10 men boost is well know since the start of this game, can either help you or kill you and about the injuries, that's another thing. Imo I'm actually in favour of injuries but if a guy has a broken leg he should be out all season, no 15 reds to heal, it's not realistic.. you see the problem is if they make it more real then still people would complain...

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    Last edited by Peter Renn; 07-02-2019 at 02:15 PM.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Renn View Post
    Red cards are more of a help than annoying, its annoying if the oponent gets red card. The 10 men boost is well know since the start of this game, can either help you or kill you and about the injuries, that's another thing. Imo I'm actually in favour of injuries but if a guy has a broken leg he should be out all season, no 15 reds to heal, it's not realistic.. you see the problem is if they make it more real then still people would complain...

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    i agree with all what you said,at the very least if player is injured it should be for the rest of that days play or at least 2 full games no matter.
    i just don't understand why nordeus have the built in boost if teams go down to 10 men it should be amended
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  10. #10
    VIP Peter Renn's Avatar
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    May 2014
    Yea that is their mystery, totally nonsense and it exists almost since day 1 of the game, ridiculous

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